5T33Z0 / OC-Little-Translated

ACPI Hotpatches and Guides for the OpenCore Bootmanager. Enhance and fine-tune your system by adding devices and enabling additional features not covered in the OpenCore Install Guide.
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Add method to disable AMFI with root patches and add information about using AMD GPUs on Ivy Bridge #74

Closed xCuri0 closed 1 year ago

xCuri0 commented 1 year ago

Using this method on my system, electron apps and everything works


5T33Z0 commented 1 year ago

Awesome. Thanks.

5T33Z0 commented 1 year ago

I think I need to add a boot-arg for NVIDIA Kepler GPUs as well so they run in VESA mode until the driver is installed. I had NVIDIA GPUs in the past and if I recall correctly they just turned off after upgrading macOS since webdrivers weren't installed.

xCuri0 commented 1 year ago

I didn't test without _apfs_filevault_allowed and _authenticate_root_hash patches also. It could be that those are also required for booting with AMFI enabled. But they are listed in the VMM Spoof patches so most users will add them anyways

5T33Z0 commented 1 year ago

I've added the NVDIA stuff to the guide

On my laptop, I've added and enabled the Kernel Patches for Disabling Library Ealidation Enforcement and the "Disable _csr_check() in _vnode_check_signature", but Ventura won't boot with AMFI enabled. I guess it's because of the requirement for the iGPU. Will have to run some more tests.

5T33Z0 commented 1 year ago

Okay: on my Laptop I need ipc_control_port_options=0 so Firefox and electron-based Apps work with the Intel HD 4000.

And I need amfi_get_out_of_my_way=0x1 so the system boots. Maybe the Kernel Patch to disable Library Validation Enforcement no longer works with the latest beta?

xCuri0 commented 1 year ago

@5T33Z0 These are the patches I'm using image

with boot-args alcid=1 -cryptbeta -wegnoigpu revpatch=memtab,pci,sbvmm

Electron, updates and everything works. You only need ipc_control_port_options=0 if AMFI is disabled, it's not related to any patches.

You can find many reports of AMFI disable breaking Electron without ipc_control_port_options=0, even on real Macs

5T33Z0 commented 1 year ago

I tried those. The patch in Line 11 is only required when using FileVault, which I dont. Like I said: I tested the other kernel patches. When using an iGPU, disabling these boot-args, the system won't boot!

-crypbeta is for unsupported versions of macOS (macOS14 basically). macOS 13 is covered in Cryptexfixup -wegnoigpu deactivates the iGPU – it's for Desktops with a GPU. But this guide covers Laptops as well. If you would add this to a Laptop config, the screen would turns off…

Since the "About this Mac" section in Ventura no longer contains a tab for memory, you might want to remove memtab from the revpatcharg.

xCuri0 commented 1 year ago

@5T33Z0 I tested without the Filevault patch and yeah I'm still able to boot so it doesn't matter.

I guess AMFI can only be enabled for non-AVX2 patch because the others add missing drivers. Thanks for telling about -cryptbeta, I didn't know it wasn't needed. Screenshot 2023-05-12 at 1 27 47 PM

5T33Z0 commented 1 year ago

All the boot-args of kexts containing "beta" are for skipping macOS version checks so they will be loaded regardless. That's usually the case when a new macOS is released and the devs haven't had the time yet to update them.

xCuri0 commented 1 year ago

Even the "Disable Root Hash validation", is not required for me. So might want to change it to AMFI can be disabled if ONLY using non-AVX2 patches for supported AMD GPUs (anything that adds files seems to cause issues so pre-Polaris won't work too)

Screenshot 2023-05-12 at 1 54 55 PM

5T33Z0 commented 1 year ago

Some of OCLP's Kernel Patches are only a necessity for real Macs. I guess these:

Can you boot with the Patches in Line 13 and 14 disabled?

xCuri0 commented 1 year ago

@5T33Z0 the only patches I'm using are the 2 in the screenshot. Disabling any of them results in boot failure

5T33Z0 commented 1 year ago

Which CPU and SMBIOS are you using?

xCuri0 commented 1 year ago

@5T33Z0 MacPro7,1 i5 3470

5T33Z0 commented 1 year ago

iMac13,2 would be suited much better in terms of CPU Power Management. The Booter Patches, RestrictEvents and the corresponding boot-args will let you boot with that.

xCuri0 commented 1 year ago

iMac SMBIOS breaks DRM for me, but I will try Mac Pro (2013) SMBIOS

5T33Z0 commented 1 year ago

iMac support iGPUs as well. In this case remove the -wegnoigpu as well, so QuickSync video works. Your CPU model was actually used by Apple in the iMac13,2: https://everymac.com/systems/apple/imac/specs/imac-core-i5-3.2-27-inch-aluminum-late-2012-specs.html