When trying other Safes, there is a delay(10-15s) on when assets page loads but they do load unlike this Safe. Tried changing RPC environment variable RPC, no changes in behavior. User's Safe has a lot of tokens so it might be a factor when Safe Polygon is slow.
Date and time this happened or you first noticed this issue
Issue Category
Safe loading issue, doesnt load on any interface
What happened?
Several times the asset page does not load https://app.safe.global/balances?safe=matic:0x930DEDdDB92Fef1B4Ab2665D250877339f064eac
When trying other Safes, there is a delay(10-15s) on when assets page loads but they do load unlike this Safe. Tried changing RPC environment variable RPC, no changes in behavior. User's Safe has a lot of tokens so it might be a factor when Safe Polygon is slow.
Date and time this happened or you first noticed this issue
Safe Address
Token Address
No response
Token Type
No response