Testing: Added new way of testing (creation of snapshots with real API calls, to keep speed during active testing and especially increase test accuracy)
Added DatabaseBuilder and DatabaseSchemeBuilder classes
These classes help with building databases and their schemes in a more structured way.
Updated project dependencies and test-coverage script
Dependencies have been updated and a new test-coverage script is available to be used by CI/CD tools.
Improvements to PropertyBuilder, documentation, and code readability
A new class PropertyBuilder has been added, documentation is improved, and type hinting changes make the code more readable.
Added new endpoint for Notion entities resolution
An endpoint to resolve Notion entities has been created, making their retrieval easier.
Implemented enhancements to Block, Page, and Database classes
The Block class can now be used as an entity, and title information is better managed through a trait for Page and Database classes.
Created a parent class for all Notion parents
This class helps identify the object types when resolving relations or working with parents of other objects.
Bug fixes, new test cases, and code refactoring
Fixed bugs, added tests for new methods and missing properties, and refactored codebase to improve settings management, among other improvements.
Improved NotionParent class and parent resolving
NotionParent now supports unknown object types, and parent resolving throws an exception when the parent property is not set.
Updated tests to use Laravel 8+ features
Tests now leverage Laravel 8's features like the Http facade recording.
Expanded test databases and pages
Added new databases and pages for testing, and updated tests accordingly.