5andr0 / PogoLocationFeeder

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Actual permaban? (Cannot connect to server) #359

Open lordofthereef opened 8 years ago

lordofthereef commented 8 years ago

I realize that "cannot connect to server" can mean niantic server issues. The thing is, I can log in with all accounts that I haven't run any sniping on whatsoever.

Been using necrobot for all of this and this is the only account that has done any sniping. I now get "cannot connect to server" errors whether it's logging in legitimately from a smartphone or elsewhere.

I did leave the sniper running and filled all 350 slots with rare stuff, had over a dozen snorlax, 3-4 dragonites, etc

Just curious if anyone else has run into this at all. This was more or less a throw away account to see what I could get away with, and I seem to have reached my limit. I just haven't read of anyone getting permanently banned. I guess it's possible this is a really long temporary ban, but we are going in 16 hours (at least) since this error has come up.

Kromes commented 8 years ago

I got permban too :(

lordofthereef commented 8 years ago

@kromes are you getting the same message? I tried searching here and other places but nobody else seems to have reported this.

bootlick commented 8 years ago

Is it a PTC or Google account? FYI if its PTC log into there website with your account and you can get a status update. There was an issue with the verification e-mail, so if you didn't verify, you are locked out until support helps you, but GL on that as they will quickly see your account in details and laugh at your requested. I lost an account due to a failed verification from the PTC website but no way I am going to write support about it, RIP.

I would say there has been tightening on restrictions as I was softbanned for the first time last night and then again this morning with multiple accounts 1 XP 3 Sniping with minute delays. I am now on 2 minute delays and multi-botting fine.

lordofthereef commented 8 years ago

@bootlick it's a google account

lordofthereef commented 8 years ago

I've also read of people getting soft banned just for running multiple bots. People are calling this an IP ban, which makes sense as you can log in on a phone (or really anywhere not in the same network) and it logs in just fine.

Kromes commented 8 years ago

Were i can load picture easy to show here

Kromes commented 8 years ago

Am not softban but i think its more perm ban .. I cant get in the game :(

Kromes commented 8 years ago

Its google acc too for me

lordofthereef commented 8 years ago

You could use something like Photobucket for pictures

Kromes commented 8 years ago


Kromes commented 8 years ago

Sorry am french xD

lordofthereef commented 8 years ago

Yeah that's the same error as I have

Kromes commented 8 years ago

I think we are perm ban :( that sad .. Its was my best acc .. With snorlax 2900 cp grr

lordofthereef commented 8 years ago

It was my best account too, but only because I didn't hold back or set any parameters to reasonable levels. I just let the thing run and catch everything rare under the sun.

I'm going to be running without a sniper on accounts I actually care about and see if anything happens. At this point I can't tell if the sniping was the issue or what.

Kromes commented 8 years ago

I will leave snipe thing ... Wont lost my other acc too

ExcuseMi commented 8 years ago

You should post all this on the necrobot github .... oh wait. it's down. We don't advise botting/sniping at this time until the bans have been figured out.

Kromes commented 8 years ago

Necrobot said they turn off .. And good bye .. Thry leave botting

bootlick commented 8 years ago

All accounts that were sniping fine. My 1 XP account "Our Servers are humbled by your incredible response. We are working to resolve the issue. Please try again soon." Can log in to all other accounts but the XP Farming one. Going to hold off on botting :palm_tree:

Pokemon Trainer Club still allows me to log in.


lordofthereef commented 8 years ago

Interesting. Well, something sure seems to be going on. Where are you seeing that error message @bootlock ? I'm not seeing annessage other than in inability to contact server, which seems to be a different message entirely. Unless this is just a matter of translation to English.

bootlick commented 8 years ago

log in, and you will see the message, 51 pages about it on ownedcore.

lordofthereef commented 8 years ago

I did log in... no such mesage lol

CraftworldEldar commented 8 years ago