5andr0 / PogoLocationFeeder

Json feed of pokemon location data
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Add LatLngBounds Filter #387

Closed nicholashew closed 7 years ago

nicholashew commented 7 years ago

I've added a simple GeoLocation LatLngBounds settings to filtering pokemon's latitude and longitude

Btw, this is the default value in the PogoLocationFeeder/Config/Settings.cs

public static bool UseGeoLocationBoundsFilter = false;
public static LatLngBounds GeoLocationBounds = new LatLngBounds(new GeoCoordinates(1.237759, 103.608435), new GeoCoordinates(1.471575, 104.044219));

Looking for better solution to adding map view for this setting. Your feedback is highly appreciated.

ExcuseMi commented 7 years ago

Not really a UI guy, but a map view would be nice to draw a rectangle to select the area.

I'll make some changes to put this logic on the server as well. That's probably why it didn't work for you.

nicholashew commented 7 years ago

Just added a sub view to let user drag on the google map to get the bounds area