5andr0 / PogoLocationFeeder

Json feed of pokemon location data
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[IDEA] The uploader don't get the upladed pokemon from the feeder. #412

Closed FureszOszkar closed 7 years ago

FureszOszkar commented 7 years ago

The uploader shouldn't see own uploaded pokemon on the feeder...

ExcuseMi commented 7 years ago

Yeah, that's what supposed to happen, but I've noticed it too already. The client doesn't add them to GUI, but I assume the server sends back the captured result but the client forgets it already has caught it and displays it. Or someone else has caught it and uploaded it just before you. If you encounter this again, please add a log and the information of the pokemon in question.

FureszOszkar commented 7 years ago

[2016-08-26 13:26:20][PKMN] Discovered: Bot: Zubat at 47.515208,19.078407 with 70% IV Move1: BiteFast Move2: AirCutter EncounterId: 11077218736759624765 until 13:40:48, Captures 0 [2016-08-26 13:26:21][INFO] Uploading bot pokemon: Bot: Zubat at 47.515208,19.078407 with 70% IV Move1: BiteFast Move2: AirCutter EncounterId: 11077218736759624765 until 13:40:48 [2016-08-26 13:26:24][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [2016-08-26 13:26:31][PKMN] Discovered: Bot: Zubat at 47.514089,19.078441 with 65% IV Move1: QuickAttackFast Move2: SludgeBomb EncounterId: 9788720710960292957 until 13:41:28, Captures 0 [2016-08-26 13:26:32][INFO] Uploading bot pokemon: Bot: Zubat at 47.514089,19.078441 with 65% IV Move1: QuickAttackFast Move2: SludgeBomb EncounterId: 9788720710960292957 until 13:41:28

ExcuseMi commented 7 years ago

Different encounterid & different everything to be honest. Not the same pokemon. I just see you uploading them by this log. Were they also visible in the UI?

FureszOszkar commented 7 years ago

:) [14:23:03][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [14:23:23][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [14:23:43][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [14:24:04][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [14:24:14][PKMN] Discovered: Bot: Paras at 47.519167,19.080808 with 62% IV Move1: BugBiteFast Move2: SeedBomb EncounterId: 13038458169847635293 until 14:36:13, Captures 0 [14:24:14][INFO] Uploading bot pokemon: Bot: Paras at 47.519167,19.080808 with 62% IV Move1: BugBiteFast Move2: SeedBomb EncounterId: 1303845816984763 5293 until 14:36:13

and in the BOT:

14:23:11 Sniper need to take a rest before your account is banned 14:24:14 (CatchSuccess) | (Normal) Paras Lvl: 14 CP: (333/366) IV: 62.00% | Chance: 32.01% | 46.40m dist | with a PokeBall (122 left). | 120 EXP earned | Candies: 30 | lat: 47.519167 long: 19.080808 | Move1: BugBiteFast Move2: SeedBomb

So the BOT catch a pokemon, this pokemon appear on the Pokefeeder as Discovered pokemon (location same) and after appear as Uploaded pokemon (location same), with different EncounterID

FureszOszkar commented 7 years ago

First and last, the Pokefeeder give discover info on my catched pokemon. What good is it?

ExcuseMi commented 7 years ago

Discover means 'A new pokemon was added to the client (helps to keep track of it when a duplicate comes in). Uploading bot pokemon means it will actually get uploaded to server, this won't always happen. Is this the problem?

FureszOszkar commented 7 years ago

Ok, I see! The misunderstanding comes from that, the coming sniping info also seems "Discovered". (and my discowered pokemons shouldn't show for me) Thx the answer!

[14:53:40][INFO] Received 1 pokemon from server [14:53:40][PKMN] Discovered: Bot: Dragonair at 13.746256,100.535896 with 66% IV Move1: DragonBreathFast Move2: AquaTail EncounterId: 1391355253592883 333 until 15:04:14, Captures 0