5andr0 / PogoLocationFeeder

Json feed of pokemon location data
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Expiration Unk. ... can not catch pokemon #436

Open FarisseB opened 7 years ago

FarisseB commented 7 years ago

As you can see the pokemons with unk in expiration column can not be catched .... any explanation ?

screen shot 08-31-16 at 02 00 am screen shot 08-31-16 at 01 57 am 001 screen shot 08-31-16 at 01 59 am

BaiqingL commented 7 years ago

Time unknown means the bot does not know how long it will take for the pokemon to despawn, which means that by the time you snipe the pokemon is probably gone but the bot thinks it's still there. To fix this, go to settings and try to minimize the time unknown pokemon gets to stay.

FarisseB commented 7 years ago

Ths is fixed, thank you, but another question about it, ... now i only have 6-8 lignes of pokemons ... how to get more ? screen shot 09-01-16 at 02 09 am

BaiqingL commented 7 years ago

This hasn't happened to me before, yet 6 - 8 pokemon is a lot for sniping. I have settings to set to only snipe pokemon above the IV value of 80, and most of the times I only get 1 ~ 2 pokemon on the list.