5andr0 / PogoLocationFeeder

Json feed of pokemon location data
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
493 stars 170 forks source link

Pretty slow conenction to server?:O #443

Open foaryon opened 7 years ago

foaryon commented 7 years ago

[14:47:24][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [14:47:54][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [14:48:24][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [14:48:54][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [14:49:24][INFO] Received 0 pokemon from server [14:49:54][INFO] Received 1 pokemon from server

my filter:

[ "Venusaur", "Blastoise", "Arcanine", "Poliwrath", "Golem", "Slowbro", "Exeggutor", "Lapras", "Vaporeon", "Snorlax", "Dratini", "Dragonair", "Dragonite" "Weedle", "Caterpie", "Pidgey", "Rattata"


ExcuseMi commented 7 years ago

How many now?

dtcpatjuh commented 7 years ago

same problem i see no more pokemons whatshappend?

ExcuseMi commented 7 years ago

Full config + log pls?

foaryon commented 7 years ago

CONFIG: { "Port": 16969, "UsePokeSnipers": true, "UsePokezz": true, "UsePokewatchers": true, "PokeSnipers2Exe": "", "RemoveAfter": 5, "ShowLimit": 10000, "VerifyOnSkiplagged": false, "UsePokemonGoIVClub": true, "UsePokeSnipe": true, "UseFilter": true, "UseGeoLocationBoundsFilter": false, "GeoLocationBounds": { "SouthWest": { "Latitude": 40.60414973724572, "Longitude": -74.2335024050293 }, "NorthEast": { "Latitude": 40.848719837349826, "Longitude": -73.660840051513674 } }, "AppTheme": "Dark", "IsServer": false, "IsManaged": true, "ServerHost": "pokefeeder.live", "ServerPort": 49000, "OutgoingServerPort": 49000, "ShareBotCaptures": true, "BotWebSocketPorts": [ 14251 ], "VerifiedOnly": true, "MinimumIV": 0.0, "UnverifedOnly": false, "UseUploadedPokemon": true, "PokemonNotInFilterMinimumIV": 100.0 }

LOG: https://paste.ee/p/2uPTM

evetaku commented 7 years ago

@foaryon "IsManaged": true, ==> set false

foaryon commented 7 years ago

@evetaku why that? If i do so it shows me this [2016-09-04 07:00:03][INFO] Great! You already have the newest version (v0.1.10, or later master) [2016-09-04 07:00:03][INFO] Application starting... [2016-09-04 07:00:03][INFO] Starting with Port: 16969 [2016-09-04 07:00:03][INFO] New connection from [2016-09-04 07:00:04][INFO] Connection established. Waiting for data...

Like forever...

foaryon commented 7 years ago

Using now: { "Port": 16969, "UsePokeSnipers": true, "UsePokezz": true, "UsePokewatchers": true, "PokeSnipers2Exe": "", "RemoveAfter": 15, "ShowLimit": 30, "VerifyOnSkiplagged": true, "UsePokemonGoIVClub": true, "UsePokeSnipe": true, "UseFilter": true, "UseGeoLocationBoundsFilter": false, "GeoLocationBounds": { "SouthWest": { "Latitude": 40.71461026176555, "Longitude": -74.033173578125 }, "NorthEast": { "Latitude": 40.750381950874413, "Longitude": -73.981846826416017 } }, "AppTheme": "Dark", "IsServer": false, "IsManaged": true, "ServerHost": "pokefeeder.live", "ServerPort": 49000, "OutgoingServerPort": 49000, "ShareBotCaptures": true, "BotWebSocketPorts": [ 14251 ], "VerifiedOnly": true, "MinimumIV": 0.0, "UnverifedOnly": false, "UseUploadedPokemon": true, "PokemonNotInFilterMinimumIV": 101.0 }

'+ newest master git, it seems it works

evetaku commented 7 years ago

@foaryon How many pokemon showing in pogo with that's config ? and let try to compare when "IsManaged": true, ==> set false, how many pokemon showing in pogo ?

dtcpatjuh commented 7 years ago

New install and he is gopd again:)

foaryon commented 7 years ago

new install change nothing <.< Its bugged and need fix

Tiberianx commented 7 years ago

What's up with pogofeeder its fucking slow. anyone have same issue?

tungkh1711 commented 7 years ago

"VerifiedOnly" set false