5axes / TabAntiWarping

Add Element as rounded tab to limit wrapping effect in print corner
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Support x/y distance issue #4

Open WhatUpBigUp opened 3 years ago

WhatUpBigUp commented 3 years ago

My "support x/y distance" is overwriting the tab "x/y distance" is this something that can be corrected so each value can be modified independently?

Screen Shot 2020-12-05 at 12 45 32 PM
5axes commented 3 years ago

Right now No , this is currently a Cura limitation for the moment

brunoosti commented 3 years ago

There is also a problem when placing the tab. It replaces the XY position on your profile. I have my tab distance set to 0, and XY distance to 0.7. Every time I a add a tab to the model my profile XY distance swaps to whatever value is set in the plugin. It seams the plugin XY distance is linked to the support XY distance. Would there be a way to relate it to the brim distance?? Also, "define capsule" changes support infill to 100%

5axes commented 3 years ago

It's not an issue, we just don't have the choice due to Cura limitation. Even if we set some X/Y distance on each individual support component (it's already the case) . Cura doesn't use this value , reported to Cura devellopement Team under this issue : https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/9882

So the present solution is to modify the global profil value. If one day this problem will be solved , I will remove this behaviour.

Next point infill 100% : It's not the "define as capsule" who change this setting but the "Number of Layers" (if >1), here it's also something similar, if you want to get the expected result you don't have the choice, you must use a 100% infill. And as user never read the documentation before to use something : https://github.com/5axes/TabAntiWarping#readme The choice is to define for them this value and add a message in cura in this case. But again as user never read this message it could be confusing sometimes.

Related discussion concerning this point : https://github.com/5axes/TabAntiWarping/discussions/8

brunoosti commented 3 years ago

Sorry. Indeed never read the documentation. That is a great plugin, better than adding a brim all around the print. We just have to remember to change things back in the global settings. A suggestion: maybe a flyout waring message like in the settings explanation ones, alerting about the distance change in the global configurations (if that is possible to add), would help. Thanks!

5axes commented 3 years ago

We alreready have a message but perhaps it's not enought explicit . I should add Info modification in the global settings support_xy_distance ? image

5axes commented 3 years ago

By the way for the other user we have a message when we modifiy the support_type : Info modification current profil support_type parameter New value : everywhere


The support_xy_distance : Info modification current profil support_xy_distance parameter


And the support_infill_rate : Info modification current profil support_infill_rate parameter New value : 100% image

brunoosti commented 3 years ago

OMG! I feel so dumb.. Sorry.. : ( What I meant was a message not beside the global settings, but beside the plugin settings. That exact message you already have on the bottom of the screen (and I didn't see), but beside the "x/y distance" (or "number of layers") like in the small configuration hints we get if we hover over the the "enable ironing", as an example.

hayden-t commented 1 year ago

it seems if you are using supports and these tabs your out of luck, they must both be the same distance currently.