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Redundant linebreaks in Insert mode (when using Jupyter Notebooks) #109

Closed SuperFluffy closed 8 years ago

SuperFluffy commented 8 years ago

I am editing a Jupyter / IPython notebook, and it seems that when hitting the Return key in Insert mode, Pentadactyl inserts redundant linebreaks. This, however, does not happen when editing in Pass-Through mode (C-z). For example, the first case would look like:



While in Pass-Through mode the result is (as it should be):


Any idea what might be going on in Insert mode compared to Pass-Through mode and how I could fix this?

ffledgling commented 8 years ago

I've noticed this happens on a few front-end JS heavy websites (facebook.com, messenger.com are notable ones I've noticed this problem with), it's likely because of the way pentadactyl and the JS for that particular website end up interacting and not something that's wrong with penta in particular.

prikhi commented 8 years ago

shift+enter usually works as well

denius commented 8 years ago

It's a bug with very long history: http://code.google.com/p/dactyl/issues/detail?id=616 The temporary solution:

:set pk+=.*:<CR>
SuperFluffy commented 8 years ago

Some recent update fixed this, it seems. Not sure which one. Maybe 4904fb5bff72e0d45fea353372ccf9c3061722f8 ?