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Pentadactyl and other related Gecko extensions
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Add XDG Base Directory support #127

Open akiva opened 8 years ago

akiva commented 8 years ago

It would be great to see this implemented, allowing those systems that use the spec to use ~/.config/pentadactyl/, falling back to ~/.pentadactyl/ for those that do not.

Further, storing the config file within this directory, (ie. ~/.config/pentadactyl/pentadactylrc), would be highly desirable.

jakejohns commented 8 years ago

I believe the following will XDG-ify it:

export PENTADACTYL_INIT=":source $PENTADACTYL_RUNTIME/pentadactylrc"
akiva commented 8 years ago

Yes, it would, and I do things like this for programs that do not support the XDG standard. However, I am requesting built-in support as it's very easy to do. If I have some time in the next week, I can even do a PR to add this.

jakejohns commented 8 years ago

fair enough, @akiva. I think default support is probably better as well.