5digits / dactyl

Pentadactyl and other related Gecko extensions
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Everything opens in a new tab #131

Closed wshanks closed 8 years ago

wshanks commented 8 years ago

Currently (as of https://github.com/5digits/dactyl/commit/b9849df56532a9fcbf2d46dfca7ea4eabc38160a), everything that opens a url opens it in a new tab. Even trying to navigate backwards causes a new tab to be opened.

krompus commented 8 years ago

(I don't have anything constructive to say; I just wanted to mention that I find this humorous. :P )

wshanks commented 8 years ago

Hmm, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with this issue. I just tried restarting/rehashing/cleaning things out and now I'm not seeing this behavior, so I guess it must be triggered by a command I used. I will look out for it when it happens again.

laMudri commented 8 years ago

I'm seeing the same on the first use after updating. Any idea what you did to fix it? Even commands like :open and :winopen open a new tab.

laMudri commented 8 years ago

Huh, just rebooting seems to fix it.

wshanks commented 8 years ago

I haven't seen it again since I opened the issue and I have restarted Firefox several times. Perhaps it is related to some property set at runtime that Pentadactyl didn't clean up when it was uninstalled as part of an update.

polyzen commented 8 years ago

@willsALMANJ, mind closing this?

wshanks commented 8 years ago

No problem, though closing issues runs counter to the devs' style even dating back to the previous issue tracker on Google Code.

polyzen commented 8 years ago

Hopefully Github's issue tracker is easy enough to use -- searches include closed issues, etc. -- that it won't be a problem. :p

krompus commented 8 years ago

I <3 Github's issue tracker. :)

I have a love/hate relationship with the email updates though, haha (I realise I can turn them off, but I haven't found any Android Github clients I like, haha).

polyzen commented 8 years ago

@krompus, this in the notification settings made things much better. :+1:

krompus commented 8 years ago

Haha, I know, I've just not found a good Github Android app, and I actually like getting notifications on my phone when people comment on threads I'm watching. :)

I'll do some more fiddling, I suppose.

polyzen commented 8 years ago

I find myself jumping between mobile and desktop view pretty often. :p