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Key bindings are overridden by websites #147

Closed unode closed 8 years ago

unode commented 8 years ago

Some websites (including github) make heavy usage of key shortcuts. These shortcuts somehow manage to override the default behavior of pentadactly even when not in passthrough mode nor when no passkeys are set for the website.

For instance on github, pressing t when browsing code activates the file finder. The textarea field where I'm writing this text is also affected. In the past it was possible to hit Ctrl + i to start an external editor (usually gvim), now it simply formats the text to italic.

kesava-wow commented 8 years ago

I haven't had this problem for a while, re #139. Which commit and version of firefox are you on?

unode commented 8 years ago

Hum, I just realized I can't reproduce it on this computer. I'll try updating pentadactly later. It might indeed just be the case that the version I have is old.

Kind of hard to track since we are living on nightlies these days...

polyzen commented 8 years ago


unode commented 8 years ago

Yup, false alarm. Just tested after updating. Problem is gone.

Thanks everyone.