5digits / dactyl

Pentadactyl and other related Gecko extensions
468 stars 98 forks source link

can't search keyword by :s or :o after upgrading to Firefox 46 #152

Closed hrzhu closed 8 years ago

hrzhu commented 8 years ago

The following error message printed:

resource://dactyl/util.jsm: 1583: TypeError: can't assign to properties of (new String(" ")): not an object
mario-grgic commented 8 years ago

This is fixed in pull request https://github.com/5digits/dactyl/pull/151 so if you are building pentadactyl yourself you can merge that in manually.

But after you fix that you run into further issues with following links (backspace does not work and you get more errors of similar kind).

hrzhu commented 8 years ago

Fixed in git master. This can be closed.