5digits / dactyl

Pentadactyl and other related Gecko extensions
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get colors from Xresources #166

Closed aleprovencio closed 7 years ago

aleprovencio commented 8 years ago

The next i3 release will support this feature by using this fresh new lib, could that be possible on pentadactyl?

ghost commented 7 years ago

It's a bad idea because it encourages dependency on X11. Wayland and eventually most terminal emulators following in Wayland's footsteps will not need any Xresources file, which leads me to think this dependency is a bad idea. Pentadactyl should still be configured with CSS styling, since it is an application in a browser anyway. You can use :source and select your style sheet to change the browser and Pentadactyl's appearance, even using XUL. Thankfully, XUL has not phased out of Firefox just yet, but they are sure to replace it with something in the future.

aleprovencio commented 7 years ago

Yeah nowadays I do agree to that also, thanks.