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Move discussion off Google Groups #184

Open alphapapa opened 7 years ago

alphapapa commented 7 years ago

I just tried to post a helpful HOWTO guide to the Pentadactyl group on Google Groups, and all I get is "You do not have permission to access this content. (#554)" I recall getting similar messages when trying to post to the group in the past, a year or two ago.

Googling this message reveals little useful info, suggesting that maybe my message was marked as spam. Now why would it be marked as spam? I'm logged in to my Google account that I've had for over a decade, I'm subscribed to the group that I've been subscribed to for years, and the message content is clearly not spam.

I once again conclude that Google Groups is utterly useless, and I suggest we move the official discussion venue elsewhere.

ffledgling commented 7 years ago

Using the Github Wiki might be a decent stop gap until a better 3rd party alternative is agreed upon by the community.

alphapapa commented 7 years ago

Oops, I didn't even realize the wiki was enabled here. I'll post a page with the instructions. Not sure how well it will work for discussion, but at least we can post some info there. Thanks.