5digits / dactyl

Pentadactyl and other related Gecko extensions
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Disable only SOME Pentadactyl keys per site #186

Closed for-coursera closed 7 years ago

for-coursera commented 7 years ago

(Switching from Vimperator now; please, excuse me if I'm missing something)

Is it possible to disable only some of Pentadactyl keys on a site basis? Or, vice versa, disable all (like this :autocmd LocationChange 'https://mail.google.com/*' :normal! <C-z>), and then enable some?

To put that into context, I'd like, of course, to use Gmail's keys, but I'd also like to be able to open new tabs with t, while being in Gmail's tab.

In Vimpertor, there was ignored-keys file in ~/.vimperator/[profile-name]/info folder, with a structure like the following:


which literally allowed to use only listed keys on these listed websites (like, t and o on mail.google.com. Is there a similar solution for Pentadactyl?

maturanomx commented 7 years ago

Try with :help passkeys. From there:

:set passkeys+=mail.google.com:jk<CR>,gi
for-coursera commented 7 years ago

Thanks! And sorry for my ignorance :(