5digits / dactyl

Pentadactyl and other related Gecko extensions
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Issues on Firefox 42.0 #95

Closed hasB4K closed 8 years ago

hasB4K commented 8 years ago


It seems the git version of Pentadactyl doesn't work on Firefox 42.0. I have changed the variable 'em:maxVersion' to "42.*" in the file 'pentadactyl/install.rdf' and it works.

The maintainer of the package 'pentadactyl-git' on archlinux has done the same thing: https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/PKGBUILD?h=pentadactyl-git

However, I have noticed that the commands :help and :helpall seems to be broken. I don't know if it is due to the update or not though.

EDIT: I use Arch Linux. When I type the ':help' command, I have this error: Sorry, help file "intro" not found

EDIT2: It seems that the :help command makes firefox unable to be exited normally, the process is still running in background when you close firefox normally, you have to kill the process yourself. Thanks @duguyipiao for the report.

Best regards,

jdevelop commented 8 years ago

for me, pressing ":" pops up some web developer console rather than pentadactyl command prompt. Latest version fron git, with version changes in install.rdf

betaveros commented 8 years ago

I also cloned the latest version ( https://github.com/5digits/dactyl/commit/fb1355242145a4227d12ccec52ac2f69d78574ab ) and bumped the version number in install.rdf and it works fine for me on 42.0, for some reason; I don't see either of the above issues. I'm on Mac OS X 10.10.5. What OSes are y'all using?

hasB4K commented 8 years ago

I use Arch Linux.

linduxed commented 8 years ago

I use Arch and don't have a problem with :. On the other hand, I can no longer get up the right-click menu for certain pages. This could be related to some other installed plugin, but there was no problem like this in Firefox 41.

duguyipiao commented 8 years ago

Same here with Ubuntu 14.04 and Firefox 42. :help gives Sorry, help file "intro" not found

mario-grgic commented 8 years ago

Are you installing this on unbranded version of Firefox 42 or regular release Firefox 42? If release version, then how did you work around the signing requirement?

vyp commented 8 years ago

@mario-grgic (apparently) firefox 42 does not require signing yet: https://github.com/5digits/dactyl/issues/79#issuecomment-153760355

maturanomx commented 8 years ago

From the last commit fb13552

Pentadactyl 1.2pre running on:
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/42.0

Ubuntu 14.04, Firefox from repositories, all it is working so far now with the "help issue" (I don't know what I did)

oddRaven commented 8 years ago

Firefox 42 says that Pentadactyl is incompatible. Tried both the normal and nightly builds.

vyp commented 8 years ago

@oddRaven I think that's because of the maxVersion metadata: #93.

specious commented 8 years ago

Same here on OS X 10.11, after I updated Firefox to 42.0. Like @hasB4K, it installs after this:

diff --git a/pentadactyl/install.rdf b/pentadactyl/install.rdf
index 869f130..3a4cc97 100644
--- a/pentadactyl/install.rdf
+++ b/pentadactyl/install.rdf
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
-                em:maxVersion="41.*"/>
+                em:maxVersion="42.*"/>

:help and :helpall are also broken for me:

Sorry, help file "intro" not found

Sorry, help file "all" not found
duguyipiao commented 8 years ago

@hasB4K @specious Does :help make your firefox unable to exit normally. In my computer, after :help I can close my firefox window, but the process of firefox does not end. I have to kill the process, before I can restart firefox .

Run firefox -pentadactyl '+u NONE' in terminal. After :help and closing the firefox window, the command line gives

pentadactyl: All dactyl modules destroyed
pentadactyl: bootstrap: shutdown shutdown
hasB4K commented 8 years ago

@duguyipiao I have no issues either with :help or with the command firefox -pentadactyl '+u NONE'. On what OS are you?

EDIT: Actually, you are right @duguyipiao. It seems that the :help command make the process of firefox unable to be closed normally.

polyzen commented 8 years ago

+1 for the :help issue. Also on Arch Linux

These really should be separate issues, shouldn't they?

duguyipiao commented 8 years ago

@polyzen I think it is enough, if @hasB4K adds it to the issue description.

polyzen commented 8 years ago

~~@duguyipiao, for some reason I thought there were like 3 issues going on here. I see: 1) :help issue (confirmed) 2) firefox -pentadactyl '+u NONE' issue (cannot reproduce)~~

duguyipiao commented 8 years ago

@polyzen, Maybe my expression mislead you. These are the same issue. I have reedited my previous post.

hotroddeathtoll commented 8 years ago

I've built the xpi per the recommendation, "42.*". No problems with the build but the install doesn't do anything. FF actually thinks its enabled too but not working, i.e., no status bar, command line, nada, nothing... Built in cygwin on a win 7 box, never had issues before. Thoughts??

polyzen commented 8 years ago

@duguyipiao, ahhh I see now :)

hrzhu commented 8 years ago

I don't have the help issue on my Xubuntu 14.04 installation but have it on my Xubutu 16.04 installation. They both run Firefox 42.

PTNobel commented 8 years ago

calling :downloads gives the following error:

resource://dactyl/downloads.jsm: 234: TypeError: calling a builtin Map constructor without new is forbidden
hrzhu commented 8 years ago

^ this has probably been fixed by 6882834.

patricksuo commented 8 years ago

@hrzhu It doesn't fix this bug. I have this problem in e3c3748511ff6dfa8d917cbba04eaa7d94ad461c

polyzen commented 8 years ago

:downloads works here

Edit: :help is still an issue

:help all
Firefox can't find the file at dactyl://help/all#all.
wshanks commented 8 years ago

I didn't test them individually but either bc9eb79fb310dac1ea8dd304bac4db996c51e6d8 or 65725c95164c6da1fe5bedbeafa651c06d08b72e fixed this issue.

wshanks commented 8 years ago

Actually, I take it back. I am still having this issue with the latest commit. I was testing with a new profile and :help worked in that case, but when I went back to my old profile the problem was still there. Someone else should test this. It seems like the problem might related to a profile setting.

polyzen commented 8 years ago

:help works. @hasB4K, could you close this? :)