5etools / tracker

Suggestions tracker for 5etools.
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5ET-1081 Book View Improvement and Spell List Generator #1199

Open crawltracker opened 1 year ago

crawltracker commented 1 year ago

Information I would like to have a feature that displays spells selected in an organized manner. More like a spell list organized or spellbook generator (random and also with spells pre-selected).

Who would use it? Players who would love to plan ahead and organize their spell lists and prepared and their spellbooks. DM would use the random spell list/book generator to create spellcasters NPC ln the spot.

How would it work? http://redkatart.com/dnd5tools/#spellbox

It should look a lot similar to what th is fellow did. I also posted a picture on the suggestion channel. Simply a list of selected spells organized by level.

Why should this be added? To help players create as many spell lists they want for their PC and DM for their NPC while navigating through the spells on 5etools.

Indifferent - spicebandit (SpiceBandit)

Upvote - f0rgetful (forgetful)

Upvote - kallenz (Kallenz)

Upvote - teccamtheturtle (Teccam)

Indifferent - spap (Spappz)

Upvote - reaversfall (Reaversfall)

Downvote - deraviin (deraviin)

Indifferent - revilowaldow (Lyra)

Indifferent - shadowspawn7582 (Shadowspawn)

Upvote - .cinar (Çınar)

Upvote - .ineedscissors (ineedscissors)

Upvote - .larsbars. (larsbars)

Upvote - georgijh (Georgi)

Upvote - zmezmer (Zmezmer)

Upvote - thecrabicus (The Crab)

Upvote - jpsingh (JPS, The Ancient White Dragon)

Upvote - paperknave (PaperKnave)

Upvote - sinemi2 (Sergio I.N.)

Upvote - stellaria.sunset (Stellaria)

Upvote - deastrumquodvicis (Deastrumquodvicis)

Upvote - iota_draconis (Iota Draconis)

Upvote - nathancd (Neith)

Upvote - praetorofdunlain (cut my pie into pieces)

Upvote - lonezel (Lonezel)

Upvote - _ravenknight (RavenKnight)

Upvote - cerealnommer (Cereal Nommer)

Upvote - opius (Opius)

Upvote - levelupadrian (Adrian 🤔)

Upvote - luthon.esgalon (Esgalon)

Upvote - elgatopensante (Berrian?)

Upvote - supertoto (Bobby)

Upvote - fireyvelociraptor72 (FireyVelociraptor72)

Upvote - sobonu (sobonu)

Upvote - thegenesischild (Genesis)

Upvote - shunakaraiku (Shunaka Raiku)

Votes: +30 / -1 / ±4

crawltracker commented 1 year ago

Note - Teccam#1884

I think that this could work as an extension to Table View, so users can select what info they want to see in the Spellbook List (description and higher level not included)