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PLUT-470 Better UX / include images etc. in Charactermancer #1236

Open crawltracker opened 9 months ago

crawltracker commented 9 months ago

Information Existing charactermancer workflow is very optimal and useful for those of us who are already very familiar with D&D. But it can appear very dry and devoid of "life" to people new to d&d / ttrpgs

Who would use it? D&D newbies intimidated by so many choices. Also people who like art / better formatting in general

How would it work? Needs further discussion imo. Also, there should be a setting in Config which enables / disables this.

Can be, that phb etc. race images pop up when selecting the corresponding race. Or certain combat stances / images pop up when selecting a class / subclass.

In the long-term, perhaps simple animations can play on selecting a spell. Sound effects or simple colours.

I realise this can be a lot of work, and we want to stick to official content only. On a much simpler and doable level, perhaps skip the animations / images, and instead opt for a better UI / UX. It's one of the (few) things I quite like on dndbeyond.

Why should this be added? Charactermancer is an awesome tool that can really help newbies get comfortable when faced with so many choices. This won't do as much for us "experts", but imo can make the onboarding much smoother.

Upvote - blissfulsavant (BlissfulSavant)

Indifferent - thandul (Thandul)

Indifferent - spap (Spappz)

Upvote - derro22 (Derro22)

Upvote - naglfar. (Naglfar…)

Indifferent - qw3ry (qw3ry)

Upvote - _relvic (Jayce)

Upvote - gaythan (gaythan)

Indifferent - deepshallow_1987 (DeepShallow)

Upvote - n1nj0 (N1nj0)

Upvote - innerluke (InnerLuke)

Upvote - luthon.esgalon (Esgalon)

Upvote - mestremahakala (Mestre Mahakala)

Upvote - eppinguin (Eppinguin)

Upvote - booglebeast (Mr. Dungeon)

Upvote - grumpygingerbread (GrumpyGingerbread)

Upvote - opius (Opius)

Upvote - v3dguy1v (v3Dguy1v)

Upvote - braggin (Braggin)

Upvote - kalangaum (LucasRC)

Votes: +16 / -0 / ±4