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5ET-1191 Ability to change names OR add notes to monster names in the bestiary #1258

Open crawltracker opened 5 months ago

crawltracker commented 5 months ago

Information It would be awesome if there was a way to rename a monsters that you have in the monster list in the bestiary.
To clarify, I don't mean permanently changing the monster's name in the bestiary, just adding a note to their name, like what happens when you change the CR slider and it adds the CR in brackets: i.e. "Reigar (CR 7)"

Who would use it? Every DM that runs combats with homebrew monsters with weird names could make good use of this to better keep track of what each monster's role in combat and the story is. This would allow users to add notes such as combat roles, important details and to just generally find the monster quicker (especially in case of a dungeon, where your list might contain the roaming monster table entries and so on).

How would it work? Ideally, when you click on an entry from the bestiary and it appears at the bottom right side of your screen, there would be a button you could click that would allow you to edit the name entry and change it to whatever you want. Then when you clicked "add" it would add the monster to your list under the new name. Alternately, it could work as a "note" function, where you can't really change the original name of the monster, but you can add a few words to it as a note, like how the CR gets added when you use the slider to change it.

Why should this be added? i.e. I'm running a celestial monster, but since they're an NPC from an adventure their name is listed as "Reigar" - which doesn't tell me much. In a list of 20 monsters with random names I forget which ones are which. Being able to change that "Reigar" to "Beefed up Deva" would be pretty useful and save us time and trouble when referencing the monster list during the game. Thus it would add extra value to monsters, even allowing people to build random monster tables by adding numbers to the monsters, etc.

Upvote - mihappi (Miha)

Indifferent - spap (Spappz)

Indifferent - revilowaldow (Lyra)

Upvote - squirrelinthetree (squirrel)

Upvote - redfear40 (Reddlikeblood)

Upvote - asdfgn2399 (asdfgn)

Upvote - goblin_king0804 (Goblin King)

Upvote - skwydwyrd (SKWYDWYRD)

Upvote - spitfire23bc (spitfire23bc)

Indifferent - rune_the_cat (Rune-The-Cat)

Upvote - iammenasco (iammenasco)

Downvote - momoko_sweetie (Momoko)

Upvote - kyronite (Kyronite)

Upvote - z_ezinho (Zezinho)

Upvote - nochesinluz (Imagen)

Upvote - _perez (Perez)

Upvote - ijoshea (ijoshea)

Upvote - zachdrac (Zach)

Upvote - .azaris (Azaris)

Upvote - jpsingh (JPS, The Ancient White Dragon)

Indifferent - jonply (BotHarvester)

Votes: +16 / -1 / ±4

crawltracker commented 4 months ago

Note - revilowaldow#0

Would expect this to track across to name overrides in the DM screen initiative tracker