5etools / tracker

Suggestions tracker for 5etools.
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5ET-1214 Spell Entry Linked to Magic Items #1270

Open crawltracker opened 2 months ago

crawltracker commented 2 months ago

Information It would be useful if spell entries also linked to magic items which grant access to those spells, as the spell entries already do with classes, subclasses, and feats.

Who would use it? Any player or DM wanting to know what options in the rules allow access to a specific spell.

How would it work? It would be an additional link at the bottom of the spell entry that goes to the magic item entry in question, much like the class/feat links already do.

Why should this be added? Currently to know if a certain spell was available through the use of a magic item a user would have to dig through the Attached Spells filter in Items when it could simply be shown with the other spell information already present.

Upvote - squirrelinthetree (squirrel)

Upvote - pandaniel (pandaniel)

Indifferent - spap (Spappz)

Upvote - 534531356907274240

Upvote - 187004788817264640

Upvote - derro22 (Derro22)

Upvote - 162491235901112321

Indifferent - hightouch (hightouch)

Upvote - cptkaliente (cptkaliente)

Upvote - .azaris (Azaris)

Upvote - .dewi47 (Dewi)

Upvote - halestorms42 (Halestorm42)

Upvote - jpsingh (JPS, The Ancient White Dragon)

Upvote - notajalapeno (not a jalapeno)

Upvote - fearlessfool (Goldfish)

Upvote - exaye (Exaye)

Upvote - seclora (Seclora)

Upvote - skipper53971 (Skipper)

Upvote - everythingwrong_ (EverythingWrong)

Upvote - booglebeast (Mr. Dungeon)

Upvote - .ineedscissors (ineedscissors)

Upvote - duckbillhatypus (DuckBillHatypus)

Votes: +20 / -0 / ±2