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5ET-1156 Ability to Rename Sections of Statblocks #1274

Open crawltracker opened 1 month ago

crawltracker commented 1 month ago

Information I'd like the ability to rename the different sections of monster blocks like changing "Legendary Actions" to "Villain Actions." Could potentially be used for other sections like traits/actions as well.

Who would use it? Anyone converting MCDM's action-oriented monsters or their own versions thereof, or anyone else that can think of a use for this in niche stat blocks.

How would it work? Hopefully just add in things like "legendaryTitle" or "traitTitle" to your monster blocks when converting.

Why should this be added? Honestly just a personal preference to have 5eT match the source as closely as possible.

Upvote - foreveralwaysgm (ForeverAlwaysGM)

Downvote - revilowaldow (Lyra)

Indifferent - f0rgetful (forgetful)

Indifferent - spap (Spappz)

Indifferent - thandul (Thandul)

Upvote - zhaoyunh (Zhao)

Upvote - derro22 (Derro22)

Indifferent - undercroft (Undercroft)

Upvote - zachdrac (Zach)

Indifferent - the.pi.guy (The Pi Guy)

Downvote - bolas_dnd (💙 Bolas D&D 🐲)

Upvote - opius (Opius)

Upvote - kyronite (Kyronite)

Upvote - jpsingh (JPS, The Ancient White Dragon)

Votes: +7 / -2 / ±5