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5ET-1218 Improve Class search #1276

Open crawltracker opened 1 month ago

crawltracker commented 1 month ago

Information The class section would benefit from additional search functionality, specifically the ability to search the text of classes and subclasses directly.

Who would use it? several use cases: TLDR: anyone with a rough idea of what they want but need to find something specific.

Anyone who has a 'type' of build and are looking for classes/subclasses that align with it. Anyone who wants to do a comparison, such as finding the best versions of a feature. Anyone who wants to design a character around a specific feature or effect. optimization, finding the absolute best for a specific effect.

How would it work? Hopefully similarly to the stats: search feature found in other parts of the site (items, feats). Unsure exactly how things are organized, may be easier to filter with a different tag like class or subclass.

Why should this be added? I have found the feature EXTREMELY useful in a variety of use cases in the other tabs, including: Finding an item when I want to give a player a specific benefit Comparing items with the same effect Finding interesting combos

I would love to have the same functionalities for the class search, I feel that it makes a world of difference.

Upvote - booglebeast (Mr. Dungeon)

Upvote - revilowaldow (Lyra)

Indifferent - spap (Spappz)

Upvote - tsari6822 (Tsar I)

Upvote - jpsingh (JPS, The Ancient White Dragon)

Indifferent - notajalapeno (not a jalapeno)

Upvote - skipper53971 (Skipper)

Upvote - everythingwrong_ (EverythingWrong)

Upvote - .ineedscissors (ineedscissors)

Votes: +7 / -0 / ±2