5etools / tracker

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PLUT-497 Item Property Importer #1278

Open crawltracker opened 1 month ago

crawltracker commented 1 month ago

Information Just like it sounds, I'd like the ability to import item properties to any item.

Who would use it? Anyone making custom items or combining items... also myself for a brew I'm working on that introduces a myriad of said properties that can be applied to various weapons/armor/etc. The DMG's magical item properties could also use the same system!

How would it work? Now that Foundry has a system for enchantments (thanks Lyra for informing me thusly), plut should be able to use that system! I think...

Upvote - foreveralwaysgm (ForeverAlwaysGM)

Note - foreveralwaysgm (ForeverAlwaysGM)

Forgot to mention I'd also like the ability to reference these properties with an @ tag in .json... that might be a separate 5eT suggestion though

Upvote - revilowaldow (Lyra)

Upvote - alternerdtive (alterNERDtive)

Upvote - squirrelinthetree (squirrel)

Indifferent - spap (Spappz)

Upvote - fearlessfool (Goldfish)

Upvote - opius (Opius)

Upvote - derro22 (Derro22)

Upvote - quisley (Quisley)

Upvote - matchwood (Matchwood)

Upvote - 409795349302214658

Upvote - .yurner (Yurner)

Votes: +11 / -0 / ±1