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5ET-327 Nav Bar shifts (move help; aggregate Settings; add download; etc); #401

Open crawltracker opened 4 years ago

crawltracker commented 4 years ago

Feature Request: Nav Bar shifts (move help; aggregate Settings; add download; etc);

Extra Information QoL nav things + Settings aggregration. Who would use it?
How would it work? Place Help icon(question mark)/link on the main bar (above /behind omni search)

initative tracker player view under player as well?

under utilities -> Homebrew builder - > prep/build out subnav for various features (spell; monster; (item; feats; Variant rules etc etc etc)) that link into such for the users to go directly into such and so they're aware of what IS available (include a teaser more coming Soon ™️ ) thing to that.

move text converter & Renderer Demo underneath the menu element for Homebrew Manager (They are all logically homebrew tools when you use homebrew; and beginning homebrews seem to not realize that; logically clustering such might assist)

Under Rules - add a Bookshelf and subnav out the Raw Books (setting in settings for list order / release vs alphabetical ; include homebrew books into list vs homebrew appends to the list)

Make a settings page; (similar to Makebrew (ie hamburger internal navigation) which has the various elements settings; Blacklist, Save State/Load State (which I'd argue is better titled Backup Configuration/Restore Configuration); put changelog, donate & privacy policy under there add a download link to such (which links to the 5etools section of the get.5e.tools site. Tne Move that Settings Under utilities and remove Settings as a nav element.

If you're not really getting donations; change donations title to Support - include in that nav; Donate and Help and if dusk is ok with it Discord

Why should this be added? mixed, its more "usable" for new users; but will annoy the user base so some of these are more helpful; some are not.

Note - LordDusk#0001

dusk is cool with it

Upvote - revilowaldow#2085

Upvote - Modnar#2707

Upvote - SigilBlue#6700

Upvote - Ikaguia#2965

Upvote - 155435500159631360

Upvote - TireFireDM#7657

Upvote - The Pi Guy#3953

Upvote - 223997790789828610

Note - Modnar#2707

  • subnav being like Adventure (and now books - thank you giddy)

Upvote - ThePunySirLittleTurd#7929

Upvote - Nekro "Shapiro" Philadelphia#2491

Downvote - zorgrath#4256

Votes: +10 / -1 / ±0

crawltracker commented 4 years ago

Note - Modnar#2707