5hir0kur0 / logseq-time-recorder

A simple time recorder (punch clock) plugin for Logseq.
MIT License
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other look for the block #2

Closed thebigalwisi closed 4 weeks ago

thebigalwisi commented 5 months ago

hi 5hir0kur0,

I discovered your plugin today, great thing. Exactly what I was looking for, almost...

I often work on a laptop with a small screen, for me personally and many others too, it would be more advantageous if you could make the bordered block a little smaller/narrower (see first image). image

If this would contain the individual timeslots, but would only be displayed by a click (see second and third image). image image

Furthermore, it would be a big plus if at the end the block the corresponding date, total time and possibly a #Tag in text would be saved in order to be able to do something with it even with quieries (see forth image). Maybe so, I am not sure if that is helpful for queries. image

Unfortunately I can't programme and therefore can't help. But I would be very grateful if you could implement this. Perhaps as a choice between your original display (which I think is quite nice) and the one I described.

5hir0kur0 commented 5 months ago


Thanks for the suggestion, I like the idea! I'm a bit short on time right now (thesis, job, ...) but I might look into this in a few months when I have more time.

I see that you're using it quite late at night. Currently the timestamps are just stored as HH:MM and it's assumed that they're all on the same day, so e.g. clocking in at 23:00 and clocking out at 01:00 won't work and you'll get this error: image

(For me personally that's not a big limitation since I'm only using this to track the time I spend working on certain tasks during my day job, but I'd still like to implement support for full timestamps including the date eventually.)

thebigalwisi commented 5 months ago

Hi @5hir0kur0

Great! I'll be waiting ;-) Thanks! The late primeval period was for demonstration purposes only. For work, the topic doesn't matter to me.

5hir0kur0 commented 4 weeks ago

I think with #3 it's possible to do something close to what you wanted. If you set the blockTemplate in the settings to

#time-recorder {{{today}}}

You would get the following if you create a new Time Recorder:

{{renderer :time-recorder, 15:06}} 
#time-recorder [[May 31st, 2024]]


thebigalwisi commented 5 days ago

Hi @5hir0kur0,

Sorry, I was a bit absent this time. Many thanks for your work! It looks great!

... but I'm a bit confused: I can't find settings for Time Recorder!?

thebigalwisi commented 5 days ago

... hm, it's certainly not what the creator intended, but uninstalling and reinstalling helped! :-D

Could you perhaps add a column in which you can write something down, e.g. for which project you worked in a time slot?