5k-mirrors / poe-live-search-manager

Desktop tool for Path of Exile for managing live item searches and making instant offers without leaving the game.
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Searches not connecting #136

Closed mk8770 closed 3 years ago

mk8770 commented 3 years ago

hi ,

im currently having some issues , since this morning all my seaches are disconnected and i cant figuere out the reason. i refreshed my PossesID restarted everything and made sure i have the manager open only on 1 computer. It use to work fine this league without any problem any1 else having issues today?

xeske commented 3 years ago

Confirming, same issue.

Shortbread304 commented 3 years ago

Confirming also. At some point tonight GGG's live search function was down altogether, including on their site. Back up now there, but they may have pushed some type of update that isn't playing nice with this tool.

Chupytoloco commented 3 years ago

Same issue

slowreactor1 commented 3 years ago

Having the same issue - I wonder what changed :/ Are there any alternatives that people are aware of (specifically looking for the function where it copies searches to your clipboard)?

AlierZerot commented 3 years ago

Same to me.

bananashot commented 3 years ago

The same issue

nezam7 commented 3 years ago

Confirming also. At some point tonight GGG's live search function was down altogether, including on their site. Back up now there, but they may have pushed some type of update that isn't playing nice with this tool.

Wait, you're saying GGG's live search is not working? Then surely this app depend on this feature. I guess we'll just have to wait for live search is working first no?

thisismydesign commented 3 years ago

The live search is not working on the website. Have to wait for it to be back online.


thisismydesign commented 3 years ago

Additionally, they also implemented a rate limit on manually running searches. You can hit it by opening a handful of bookmarked searches unfortunately.


h0g1k commented 3 years ago

Live search works stably. Except Live search manager.

h0g1k commented 3 years ago

Should we expect a new version?

thisismydesign commented 3 years ago

Can confirm that at the moment live searches are working through the browser but not through the app. We will look into it.

h0g1k commented 3 years ago


AhmedBenAbdessalam commented 3 years ago

yeah seems not to be working for me either but the life search in browser is working

t0mooo commented 3 years ago

still dont work ;/

AzsyGaming commented 3 years ago

It's likely that ggg is blocking the app considering rory stopped by to make an issue post.

t0mooo commented 3 years ago

is there any alternative to auto search?

nivh commented 3 years ago

Currently live search on https://www.pathofexile.com/trade working fine, but still not working at all in PoE Live Search app (all searches got an "X" on them). I tried refreshing the session ID, logging out and in again, but nothing works.

Vaeryn commented 3 years ago

Same for me, not working.

devinvisible commented 3 years ago

Not sure if mentioning "same" is helpful here (I subscribed to this issue already) but I appreciate this tool and wanted to also say nice work on it. <3

D0N-B0T commented 3 years ago

dev i send some energy, pls fix !

thisismydesign commented 3 years ago

To get updates about when the fix is released you can sign up to GitHub and subscribe to this issue on the right.


NebuKa commented 3 years ago

Thx for looking into it <3 I love this tool and there is no alternative right now.

thisismydesign commented 3 years ago

Aiming to release the fix before the weekend.

nezam7 commented 3 years ago

༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ TAKE OUR ENERGY ༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ ༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ TAKE OUR ENERGY ༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ

Wrathias commented 3 years ago

Hey @thisismydesign thanks for the update. Happy it's being looked into since it's a fantastic tool. Out of interest, what "broke" it? Anything to do with search rate limits or?

PoePlayer97 commented 3 years ago

just thought i would mention it, i tried using another search tool as a substitute. poe aggregator or something. that didnt work either, think its effecting more than just this tool.

nezam7 commented 3 years ago

u guys manage to find alternative out there? i know something can never replace this one, but surely there must be something out there.

thisismydesign commented 3 years ago

v1.13.1 should fix this

Wrathias commented 3 years ago

Great stuff! enjoy your weekend @thisismydesign 👍

lordbard commented 3 years ago

You are the best. How can I ever repay you?! Thanks so much

AhmedBenAbdessalam commented 3 years ago

strange, its still doesnt work for me even though im using 1.13.1 image

edit: seems to be working great this morning.Not sure why it didnt work yesterday but thnx alot for the update its working perfectly now

h0g1k commented 3 years ago

Thanks! Great job!