5k-mirrors / poe-live-search-manager

Desktop tool for Path of Exile for managing live item searches and making instant offers without leaving the game.
168 stars 32 forks source link

Cant connect #171

Closed hewan02 closed 1 year ago

hewan02 commented 2 years ago


Cant connect scourge league



ballersu commented 2 years ago


t0mooo commented 2 years ago

someone has a similar program that works? PM me

sjau commented 2 years ago

For me it doesn't connect to anything since october 1st, Last entries:

2021-10-01 04:13:43 ...... @... 안녕하세요, 스탠다드(보관함 탭 "톡식 주얼 ", 위치: 왼쪽 6, 상단 11)에 올려놓은 역병 영액 진청록색 주얼(을)를 구매하고 싶습니다 2021-10-01 02:15:41 ....... @.... 안녕하세요, 스탠다드(보관함 탭 "13", 위치: 왼쪽 10, 상단 4)에 올려놓은 레벨 21 23% 바알 해골 소환(을)를 구매하고 싶습니다

Since then it didn't connect anymore. I tried updating the SessionID - no change. I deleted all of PoE Live Search - no change.

mk8770 commented 2 years ago

it seems it doesnt work for anyone atm, hoping for an answer of a dev

thisismydesign commented 2 years ago

Looks like either GGG changed something or they don't allow us to connect anymore. Unfortunately I don't have the time to fix it, the best I can do is look into open sourcing it later this year.

Subscribe to this issue if you'd like to receive updates.

Have a great league start!

chancii commented 2 years ago

noooo :(

VituArtz commented 2 years ago

sad, this tool is actually life changing

Zeench commented 2 years ago

ya for me thats the most of my income as a casual, flipping with this is easy... rly sad that it doesnt work anymore

BD9a commented 2 years ago

It seems this tool got "banned" from GGG. 403 with this User-Agent, with changed User-Agent there's no problem.

FWidm commented 2 years ago

GGG even told the author: https://github.com/5k-mirrors/poe-live-search-manager/issues/135#issuecomment-886396476

lordbard commented 2 years ago

Please! Please! fix! Love this tool.

Rymeme commented 2 years ago

It seems this tool got "banned" from GGG. 403 with this User-Agent, with changed User-Agent there's no problem.

How did you change the User-Agent?

AragornExile commented 2 years ago

у кого-нибудь есть похожая программа, которая работает? Напишите мне

Hi, have you solved the problem with live search?

thisismydesign commented 2 years ago

The issue of GGG is that the current version of the app sometimes can send too many requests. This never happened on our side and I'm not sure how it's possible. I can't tell if it's a bug or someone doing it deliberately. In any case, GGG has rate limiting exactly to guard against this. You've probably seen the cloudflare page. If you send too many requests they won't reach GGG's servers and won't (or shouldn't) affect their performance. It has been an ongoing topic about how excessive requests from apps affect their servers, but with a third party rate limiter, I don't see why they would. That aside, I can't imagine that this happens too often with current version because people would notice if they get rate limited and report issues (it has happened before and we fixed it).

As PoE players will know, developing bug-free software is not easy. Most of us do this in our free time as a hobby. Since GGG relies so much on players using these apps, I think it's reasonable that they should make sure on their side that the apps can't harm their performance. Again, the rate limiter should do exactly that. If that's not the case they should improve it. Of course I don't know what's really happening on their side, so this is just me making a lot of assumptions. On the other hand they haven't been very transparent about this so I'm left with guesses.

What you can do is write a polite message to GGG's support and explain why you like these apps and ask them to provide better support for them, and to re-enable this app. Or create similar functionality in-game.

I should mention that others use similar tools (and more) privately, and we released this to the public to level the playing field. With this app disabled, a handful of players will do the same thing but not share it, having a huge advantage in trading only accessible to those who can code. I think this already should be enough of a reason to allow this app or have similar functionality in-game available to everyone.

chancii commented 2 years ago

Hello, thank you for taking the time to write this. I will go ahead and email GGG now.

GGG's emails:

support@grindinggear.com techsupport@grindinggear.com

chancii commented 2 years ago

As usual, GGG reply with template response which has nothing to do with the issue raised, please see quote from the response:

"Thanks for getting in touch with us.

In general, we do not encourage the creation or use of third-party tools because they provide advantages for players that use them. I'm afraid, due to the dynamics of our policies, we're unable to guarantee if a tool is allowed or would remain allowed in the future.

I would recommend refraining from creating or using any programs that automates or does more than one action with a keystroke or mouse click as well as anything that interacts with the game client to provide an advantage over other players or provide information that isn't normally visible.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to let us know."

Not sure they even read my email to be honest!

thisismydesign commented 2 years ago

I guess they didn't 😞 but if they get more messages and follow-ups eventually they will have to.

sjau commented 2 years ago

Wouldn't a simple solution be to allow set a custom user agent?

BD9a commented 2 years ago

I guess they would not be happy because of random (by random I mean random applications / users) wrong request spamming.

chancii commented 2 years ago

What is custom user agent ? :>

Edit: followed up on the canned response from GGG and they replied "I'll be sure to pass your concerns along to the appropriate team members on your behalf. If there is anything else you may wish to add, or any other issues we may be able to assist you with, please let us know."

sjau commented 2 years ago

usually programs submit a useragent so the server response can be tailed to that useragent. Back in the 2000s people did shenannigans with it like create two versions of a website:

Also MSIE for a long time did not adhere to w3c standards. Browsers allow you to switch user agents pretty easily to anything you like.


In HTTP, the User-Agent string is often used for content negotiation, where the origin server selects suitable content or operating parameters for the response. For example, the User-Agent string might be used by a web server to choose variants based on the known capabilities of a particular version of client software. The concept of content tailoring is built into the HTTP standard in RFC 1945 "for the sake of tailoring responses to avoid particular user agent limitations".

The User-Agent string is one of the criteria by which Web crawlers may be excluded from accessing certain parts of a website using the Robots Exclusion Standard (robots.txt file).

As with many other HTTP request headers, the information in the "User-Agent" string contributes to the information that the client sends to the server, since the string can vary considerably from user to user.[5]

thisismydesign commented 2 years ago

No custom user agent, sorry. As I wrote, the only thing to do is talk to GGG.

My experience so far was that they are flat out hostile to 3rd party apps. At the same time everyone learned to rely on them and the game is just so much worse without them, and at times people wouldn't have played the game if some of the tools didn't exist. Remember that e.g. the official trade site came years after poe.trade existed. The only way to search items was through a 3rd party (or browsing the trade chat and forums..)

But their approach to 3rd party apps definitely discourages us to work on projects like this. This app had to be resurrected several times after they broke it unannounced, sometimes on purpose.

So if these tools are important for you, go and tell it to GGG until they listen.

DrakonArc commented 2 years ago

so do we have any alternative until its fixed?

Daemios commented 2 years ago

Are you willing to open source this to see if others can find a solution?

BD9a commented 2 years ago

so do we have any alternative until its fixed?

Yes, In my opinion it's not as good as this project but it's decent. PoeAggregator.

thisismydesign commented 2 years ago

I've deleted some comments. Chill down. The topic here is the connection issue and it has been discussed. Talk to GGG or wait for the app to be open sourced.

People spamming or flaming will be banned from commenting here.

Daemios commented 2 years ago

I know you had to deal with the arguments but what is the situation with it being open sourced? You mention it in the readme as a future possibility and you mention it here. Any chance of you going that route?

lordbard commented 2 years ago

Hi Tool Author,

Are you ok with me posting to reddit to ask folks to help get this tool up and running?!

Draft of post https://www.reddit.com/user/Lord-Bard/draft/1c73288e-39b5-11ec-9442-7ad63d0cc24e


thisismydesign commented 2 years ago

Can't see the draft but feel free.

Sheekaa commented 2 years ago

is it possible that it works for some user? i misspriced one item and got spammed, i ask one if he is using a sniping tool & he sayed he is still using this wonderful tool, i'm confused. i would love to have it back

thisismydesign commented 2 years ago

Very resourceful 🙂 I just want to make it clear that this isn't the intended way to use the app.

GachisIav commented 2 years ago

The fix above really helped. It's really cool that you can use this wonderful program again.

D675R commented 2 years ago

Unfortunally does not work for me. Manager won't start anymore

SpaceDandy64 commented 2 years ago

I already found a way to "fix" this issue. If u're interested the "fix" guide is on my github.

Its not working.

ninoosewoudt commented 2 years ago

I already found a way to "fix" this issue. If u're interested the "fix" guide is on my github.

Using this will get you added to the POE API Blacklist watch out. My IP just got permanently blacklisted from using the POE API after using this for 1 day.

Shortbread304 commented 2 years ago

I already found a way to "fix" this issue. If u're interested the "fix" guide is on my github.

Using this will get you added to the POE API Blacklist watch out. My IP just got permanently blacklisted from using the POE API after using this for 1 day.

Same. I used it for a couple weeks without issue. You probably just got unlucky with timing. I think they hit us all yesterday.

Japanfreak01 commented 2 years ago

anything we can do to get unbanned? Would be ridiciolous to not be able to use normal live searches. All the rich a$$ mofos are using a paid app or something and get filthy rich while we get banned for using a free software

Shortbread304 commented 2 years ago

anything we can do to get unbanned? Would be ridiciolous to not be able to use normal live searches. All the rich a$$ mofos are using a paid app or something and get filthy rich while we get banned for using a free software

I'll be trying to get a new IP address and deleting all cookies from pathofexile.com and trying again. If you have a VPN, live searching within the VPN should work as well. I got IP banned for using this program before as well, before GGG shut it down for good. Changing IP address worked then, but with them clearly actively looking for it closely now and IP banning, I think it will only be a temporary solution. I think they're going to kill it. I've been using this since metamorph. Makes my league experiences so much better. Will be very sad and lose a lot of motivation to play and set big league goals if it's unavailable.

Japanfreak01 commented 2 years ago

exactly this, im not a mirror farmer like all the other streamers or no-lifers. i appreciate the couple items i can snipe to make a bit of profit. so i can keep upgrading my items and my build. sadly i dont have an VPN and my ISP gives only Strict IP adresses. So i cant change it. Im about to text GGG and maybe they will unban it. Its not like we did something aabout ToS right, they just banned IPs cause they didnt have a easier Fix for it.

TaranArora commented 2 years ago

Seems like people have been unbanned from live searching but I still wouldn't be using the app again. Cheers to the creator for making the app.

If the creator could open source this project and someone makes it work while following GGG's ToS, That'd be great for me and for the whole community

thisismydesign commented 2 years ago

When there is an official fix for the app, it will be perfectly fine to use it again. Until then, if GGG doesn't want you to use something but you find some hack and keep using it, it isn't super surprising that this is their response.

Sadly there are still some clever ways to work around this and I'm sure a few people will do that which I think is unfair. Nevertheless, I don't think it's worth risking it. So my advice is to play without the tool (at least for now) and if you think this sucks, ask GGG for an in-game live search or something.

Once again https://github.com/5k-mirrors/poe-live-search-manager/issues/171#issuecomment-960414242:

I just want to make it clear that this isn't the intended way to use the app.

Daemios commented 2 years ago

Any update pre-league launch on the status of this? Any chance of the open source request being considered?

thisismydesign commented 2 years ago

@Kexort 🙂

chancii commented 2 years ago

I am so sorry to ask this but is there any chance that any of us mortals who have no idea about coding can make this app running again. I really miss it in my life <3 thank you

lordbard commented 2 years ago

How about a go fund me for the creator? I would contribute.

thisismydesign commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, it's not happening before the league but we're having some discussions about how to move this project further.

You can fund poe-live-search-manager via the 'Sponsor' button on the top. All of the funding received is going towards paying a freelancer to work on the project. I'm not taking any funding for myself, but recently I didn't have time to work on it either.

lordbard commented 2 years ago

OK folks. It is time to put up or shut up. I just contributed $30. Lets all help to raise the funds to get this tool operational, if not for this league, then the next. You can contribute via the sponsor button!!!

If we hit $600. I will contribute another $30!

Good luck exiles

nezam7 commented 2 years ago

just got back to this league and found about this . so sad this happened to our beloved tool. i tried the 'fix' but its not working either. i lost big motivation to play without this tool :( whos with me

MehMadMan commented 2 years ago

I already found a way to "fix" this issue. If u're interested the "fix" guide is on my github.

cant find the fix

thisismydesign commented 1 year ago

Resolved in v2.0.0