5pm-HDH / churchtools-cli

With the ChurchTools-CLI-Tool, you can access data from your ChurchTools application instance directly through a CLI application, using simple commands that are easy to learn. The tool is compatible with cmd on Windows, terminal on Mac, and bash on Linux.
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CT-Forum: Export of Group-Hierarchie / Organigram #8

Open DumbergerL opened 2 years ago

DumbergerL commented 2 years ago


DumbergerL commented 2 years ago

Little PHP-Tool to generate Organigram: https://github.com/fodinabor/CT-Organigram

DumbergerL commented 2 years ago

Another JS-Tool to generate Organigrams: https://github.com/niklasarnitz/churchtools-organigram

DumbergerL commented 2 years ago

Docker Tool from bwl21: https://github.com/bwl21/113_ctcli