607011 / impac-t

A Breakout/Bolo clone, improved with a physics engine
15 stars 11 forks source link

Missing DLLs in win-installer 1.0.7 #34

Open stradarius opened 8 years ago

stradarius commented 8 years ago

After the installation of impac't 1.0.7 with the official installer on Win7 64bit, impact starts but without displaying any welcome/level, just the mouse-cursor is being seen in the window and sound is playing (the system has no Visual Studio installed). The installation of vc-redist 2015 update 1 did not help.

Analyzing the start of impact with procmon shows that several DLLs are being searched (only) in the impact-programfolder and are not being found. Some names (maybe not complete):

607011 commented 8 years ago

@stradarius Have you restarted your system after installing vc-redist 2015?