610265158 / Peppa_Pig_Face_Landmark

A simple face detect and alignment method, which is easy and stable.
Apache License 2.0
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输出的Landmark:坐标和dlib的差别很大 #50

Open FourTest opened 1 year ago

FourTest commented 1 year ago


610265158 commented 1 year ago



FourTest commented 1 year ago

是的,我是这样调用的 result = facer.run(image) for face_index in range(len(result)): cur_face_kps=result[0]['kps'] for landmarks_index in range(cur_face_kps.shape[0]): x_y = cur_face_kps[landmarks_index] print(round(x_y[0],2),round(x_y[1],2)) 那个y坐标感觉差别挺大的 然后我用截图工具量了一下,感觉dlib的对一些