61315 / mediapipe-prebuilt

Prebuilt mediapipe packages and demos ready to deploy on your device at one go. 💨
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No pixelbuffer out output on current mediapipe, transform code still missing #3

Closed danhd123 closed 1 year ago

danhd123 commented 2 years ago

Two issues: 1. I'm trying to build this against the current mediapipe, as follows below, and I'm not getting any pixel buffer output. 2. Can you add or post the code that converts the SingleFaceGeometry to the simd_float_4x4 for posting to the delegate method?

Here's my modifications to a stock mediapipe, which is largely comprised of the changes in the two pinned issues (but I smooth the right eye landmarks and irises as well):

diff --git a/mediapipe/examples/ios/iristrackinggpuframework/BUILD b/mediapipe/examples/ios/iristrackinggpuframework/BUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad559f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mediapipe/examples/ios/iristrackinggpuframework/BUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+load("@build_bazel_rules_apple//apple:ios.bzl", "ios_framework")
+    name = "MPPIrisTracking",
+    hdrs = [
+        "MPPIrisTracker.h",
+    ],
+    infoplists = ["Info.plist"],
+    bundle_id = "com.example.MPPIrisTraking",
+    families = ["iphone", "ipad"],
+    minimum_os_version = "12.0",
+    deps = [
+        ":MPPIrisTrackingLibrary",
+        "@ios_opencv//:OpencvFramework",
+    ],
+    name = "MPPIrisTrackingLibrary",
+    srcs = [
+        "MPPIrisTracker.mm",
+    ],
+    hdrs = [
+        "MPPIrisTracker.h",
+    ],
+    copts = ["-std=c++17"],
+    data = [
+        "//mediapipe/graphs/iris_tracking:iris_tracking_gpu.binarypb",
+        "//mediapipe/modules/face_detection:face_detection_short_range.tflite",
+        "//mediapipe/modules/face_landmark:face_landmark.tflite",
+        "//mediapipe/modules/iris_landmark:iris_landmark.tflite",
+    ],
+    sdk_frameworks = [
+        "AVFoundation",
+        "CoreGraphics",
+        "CoreMedia",
+        "UIKit"
+    ],
+    deps = [
+        "//mediapipe/objc:mediapipe_framework_ios",
+        "//mediapipe/objc:mediapipe_input_sources_ios",
+        "//mediapipe/objc:mediapipe_layer_renderer",
+    ] + select({
+        "//mediapipe:ios_i386": [],
+        "//mediapipe:ios_x86_64": [],
+        "//conditions:default": [
+            "//mediapipe/graphs/iris_tracking:iris_tracking_gpu_deps",
+            "//mediapipe/framework/formats:landmark_cc_proto",
+        ],
+    }),
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mediapipe/examples/ios/iristrackinggpuframework/Info.plist b/mediapipe/examples/ios/iristrackinggpuframework/Info.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aadef04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mediapipe/examples/ios/iristrackinggpuframework/Info.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
+<plist version="1.0">
+  <key>CameraPosition</key>
+  <string>front</string>
+  <key>MainViewController</key>
+  <string>IrisTrackingViewController</string>
+  <key>GraphOutputStream</key>
+  <string>output_video</string>
+  <key>GraphInputStream</key>
+  <string>input_video</string>
+  <key>GraphName</key>
+  <string>iris_tracking_gpu</string>
diff --git a/mediapipe/examples/ios/iristrackinggpuframework/MPPIrisTracker.h b/mediapipe/examples/ios/iristrackinggpuframework/MPPIrisTracker.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75762d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mediapipe/examples/ios/iristrackinggpuframework/MPPIrisTracker.h
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import <CoreVideo/CoreVideo.h>
+#import <CoreMedia/CoreMedia.h>
+#include <simd/simd.h>
+@class MPPIrisTracker;
+@protocol MPPIrisTrackerDelegate <NSObject>
+- (void)irisTracker: (MPPIrisTracker *)irisTracker didOutputPixelBuffer: (CVPixelBufferRef)pixelBuffer;
+- (void)irisTracker: (MPPIrisTracker *)irisTracker didOutputTransform: (simd_float4x4)transform;
+@interface MPPIrisTracker : NSObject
+- (instancetype)init;
+- (void)startGraph;
+- (void)processVideoFrame: (CVPixelBufferRef)imageBuffer timestamp: (CMTime)timestamp;
+@property (weak, nonatomic) id <MPPIrisTrackerDelegate> delegate;
diff --git a/mediapipe/examples/ios/iristrackinggpuframework/MPPIrisTracker.mm b/mediapipe/examples/ios/iristrackinggpuframework/MPPIrisTracker.mm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0785027
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mediapipe/examples/ios/iristrackinggpuframework/MPPIrisTracker.mm
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+#import "MPPIrisTracker.h"
+#import "mediapipe/objc/MPPGraph.h"
+#import "mediapipe/objc/MPPCameraInputSource.h"
+#import "mediapipe/objc/MPPLayerRenderer.h"
+#include "mediapipe/framework/formats/landmark.pb.h"
+static NSString* const kGraphName = @"iris_tracking_gpu";
+static const char* kInputStream = "input_video";
+static const char* kOutputStream = "output_video";
+static const char* kLandmarksOutputStream = "iris_landmarks";
+static const char* kSingleFaceGeometryStream = "single_face_geometry";
+static const char* kVideoQueueLabel = "com.google.mediapipe.example.videoQueue";
+/// Input side packet for focal length parameter.
+std::map<std::string, mediapipe::Packet> _input_side_packets;
+mediapipe::Packet _focal_length_side_packet;
+@interface MPPIrisTracker() <MPPGraphDelegate>
+@property(nonatomic) MPPGraph* mediapipeGraph;
+@implementation MPPIrisTracker { }
+#pragma mark - Cleanup methods
+- (void)dealloc {
+    self.mediapipeGraph.delegate = nil;
+    [self.mediapipeGraph cancel];
+    // Ignore errors since we're cleaning up.
+    [self.mediapipeGraph closeAllInputStreamsWithError:nil];
+    [self.mediapipeGraph waitUntilDoneWithError:nil];
+#pragma mark - MediaPipe graph methods
+// https://google.github.io/mediapipe/getting_started/hello_world_ios.html#using-a-mediapipe-graph-in-ios
++ (MPPGraph*)loadGraphFromResource:(NSString*)resource {
+    // Load the graph config resource.
+    NSError* configLoadError = nil;
+    NSBundle* bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]];
+    if (!resource || resource.length == 0) {
+        return nil;
+    }
+    NSURL* graphURL = [bundle URLForResource:resource withExtension:@"binarypb"];
+    NSData* data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:graphURL options:0 error:&configLoadError];
+    if (!data) {
+        NSLog(@"Failed to load MediaPipe graph config: %@", configLoadError);
+        return nil;
+    }
+    // Parse the graph config resource into mediapipe::CalculatorGraphConfig proto object.
+    mediapipe::CalculatorGraphConfig config;
+    config.ParseFromArray(data.bytes, data.length);
+    // Create MediaPipe graph with mediapipe::CalculatorGraphConfig proto object.
+    MPPGraph* newGraph = [[MPPGraph alloc] initWithGraphConfig:config];
+    _focal_length_side_packet =
+    mediapipe::MakePacket<std::unique_ptr<float>>(absl::make_unique<float>(0.0));
+    _input_side_packets = {
+        {"focal_length_pixel", _focal_length_side_packet},
+    };
+    [newGraph addSidePackets:_input_side_packets];
+    [newGraph addFrameOutputStream:kLandmarksOutputStream outputPacketType:MPPPacketTypeRaw];
+    [newGraph addFrameOutputStream:kSingleFaceGeometryStream outputPacketType:MPPPacketTypeRaw];
+    [newGraph addFrameOutputStream:kOutputStream outputPacketType:MPPPacketTypePixelBuffer];
+    return newGraph;
+- (instancetype)init
+    self = [super init];
+    if (self) {
+        self.mediapipeGraph = [[self class] loadGraphFromResource:kGraphName];
+        self.mediapipeGraph.delegate = self;
+        self.mediapipeGraph.maxFramesInFlight = 2;
+    }
+    return self;
+- (void)startGraph {
+    // Start running self.mediapipeGraph.
+    NSError* error;
+    if (![self.mediapipeGraph startWithError:&error]) {
+        NSLog(@"Failed to start graph: %@", error);
+    }
+#pragma mark - MPPInputSourceDelegate methods
+- (void)processVideoFrame:(CVPixelBufferRef)imageBuffer
+                timestamp:(CMTime)timestamp {
+    mediapipe::Timestamp graphTimestamp(static_cast<mediapipe::TimestampBaseType>(
+        mediapipe::Timestamp::kTimestampUnitsPerSecond * CMTimeGetSeconds(timestamp)));
+    [self.mediapipeGraph sendPixelBuffer:imageBuffer
+                              intoStream:kInputStream
+                              packetType:MPPPacketTypePixelBuffer
+                               timestamp:graphTimestamp];
+#pragma mark - MPPGraphDelegate methods
+// Receives CVPixelBufferRef from the MediaPipe graph. Invoked on a MediaPipe worker thread.
+- (void)mediapipeGraph:(MPPGraph*)graph
+  didOutputPixelBuffer:(CVPixelBufferRef)pixelBuffer
+            fromStream:(const std::string&)streamName {
+    if (streamName == kOutputStream) {
+        [_delegate irisTracker: self didOutputPixelBuffer: pixelBuffer];
+    }
+// Receives a raw packet from the MediaPipe graph. Invoked on a MediaPipe worker thread.
+- (void)mediapipeGraph:(MPPGraph*)graph
+       didOutputPacket:(const ::mediapipe::Packet&)packet
+            fromStream:(const std::string&)streamName {
+    if (streamName == kLandmarksOutputStream) {
+        if (packet.IsEmpty()) {
+            NSLog(@"[TS:%lld] No iris landmarks", packet.Timestamp().Value());
+            return;
+        }
+        const auto& landmarks = packet.Get<::mediapipe::NormalizedLandmarkList>();
+        NSLog(@"[TS:%lld] Number of landmarks on iris: %d", packet.Timestamp().Value(),
+              landmarks.landmark_size());
+        for (int i = 0; i < landmarks.landmark_size(); ++i) {
+          NSLog(@"\tLandmark[%d]: (%f, %f, %f)", i, landmarks.landmark(i).x(),
+                landmarks.landmark(i).y(), landmarks.landmark(i).z());
+        }
+    }
+    // if (streamName == kSingleFaceGeometryStream) {
+    // }
diff --git a/mediapipe/graphs/iris_tracking/BUILD b/mediapipe/graphs/iris_tracking/BUILD
index 86e667b..8e56d90 100644
--- a/mediapipe/graphs/iris_tracking/BUILD
+++ b/mediapipe/graphs/iris_tracking/BUILD
@@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ cc_library(
+        "//mediapipe/modules/face_geometry:env_generator_calculator",
+        "//mediapipe/modules/face_geometry:face_geometry_from_landmarks",

diff --git a/mediapipe/graphs/iris_tracking/iris_tracking_gpu.pbtxt b/mediapipe/graphs/iris_tracking/iris_tracking_gpu.pbtxt
index 505a951..82de22f 100644
--- a/mediapipe/graphs/iris_tracking/iris_tracking_gpu.pbtxt
+++ b/mediapipe/graphs/iris_tracking/iris_tracking_gpu.pbtxt
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ input_stream: "input_video"
 output_stream: "output_video"
 # Face landmarks with iris. (NormalizedLandmarkList)
 output_stream: "face_landmarks_with_iris"
+# A face geometry with estimated pose transform matrix
+output_stream: "single_face_geometry"

 # Throttles the images flowing downstream for flow control. It passes through
 # the very first incoming image unaltered, and waits for downstream nodes
@@ -31,6 +34,31 @@ node {
   output_stream: "throttled_input_video"

+# Generates an environment that describes the current virtual scene.
+node {
+  calculator: "FaceGeometryEnvGeneratorCalculator"
+  output_side_packet: "ENVIRONMENT:environment"
+  node_options: {
+    [type.googleapis.com/mediapipe.FaceGeometryEnvGeneratorCalculatorOptions] {
+      environment: {
+        origin_point_location: TOP_LEFT_CORNER
+        perspective_camera: {
+          vertical_fov_degrees: 63.0  # 63 degrees
+          near: 1.0  # 1cm
+          far: 10000.0  # 100m
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+# Extracts the input image frame dimensions as a separate packet.
+node {
+  calculator: "ImagePropertiesCalculator"
+  input_stream: "IMAGE_GPU:throttled_input_video"
+  output_stream: "SIZE:input_image_size"
 # Defines how many faces to detect. Iris tracking currently only handles one
 # face (left and right eye), and therefore this should always be set to 1.
 node {
@@ -67,6 +95,23 @@ node {

+# Applies smoothing to the single set of face landmarks.
+node {
+  calculator: "LandmarksSmoothingCalculator"
+  input_stream: "NORM_LANDMARKS:face_landmarks"
+  input_stream: "IMAGE_SIZE:input_image_size"
+  output_stream: "NORM_FILTERED_LANDMARKS:smoothed_face_landmarks"
+  options: {
+    [mediapipe.LandmarksSmoothingCalculatorOptions.ext] {
+      one_euro_filter {
+             min_cutoff: 0.1
+             beta: 40.0
+             derivate_cutoff: 1.0
+           }
+    }
+  }
 # Gets the very first and only face rect from "face_rects_from_landmarks"
 # vector.
 node {
@@ -84,7 +129,7 @@ node {
 # Gets two landmarks which define left eye boundary.
 node {
   calculator: "SplitNormalizedLandmarkListCalculator"
-  input_stream: "face_landmarks"
+  input_stream: "smoothed_face_landmarks"
   output_stream: "left_eye_boundary_landmarks"
   node_options: {
     [type.googleapis.com/mediapipe.SplitVectorCalculatorOptions] {
@@ -95,10 +140,27 @@ node {

+# Applies smoothing to the single set of iris landmarks.
+node {
+  calculator: "LandmarksSmoothingCalculator"
+  input_stream: "NORM_LANDMARKS:left_eye_boundary_landmarks"
+  input_stream: "IMAGE_SIZE:input_image_size"
+  output_stream: "NORM_FILTERED_LANDMARKS:smoothed_left_eye_boundary_landmarks"
+  options: {
+    [mediapipe.LandmarksSmoothingCalculatorOptions.ext] {
+      one_euro_filter {
+        min_cutoff: 0.1
+        beta: 40.0
+        derivate_cutoff: 1.0
+      }
+    }
+  }
 # Gets two landmarks which define right eye boundary.
 node {
   calculator: "SplitNormalizedLandmarkListCalculator"
-  input_stream: "face_landmarks"
+  input_stream: "smoothed_face_landmarks"
   output_stream: "right_eye_boundary_landmarks"
   node_options: {
     [type.googleapis.com/mediapipe.SplitVectorCalculatorOptions] {
@@ -109,12 +171,28 @@ node {

+node {
+  calculator: "LandmarksSmoothingCalculator"
+  input_stream: "NORM_LANDMARKS:right_eye_boundary_landmarks"
+  input_stream: "IMAGE_SIZE:input_image_size"
+  output_stream: "NORM_FILTERED_LANDMARKS:smoothed_right_eye_boundary_landmarks"
+  options: {
+    [mediapipe.LandmarksSmoothingCalculatorOptions.ext] {
+      one_euro_filter {
+        min_cutoff: 0.1
+        beta: 40.0
+        derivate_cutoff: 1.0
+      }
+    }
+  }
 # Detects iris landmarks, eye contour landmarks, and corresponding rect (ROI).
 node {
   calculator: "IrisLandmarkLeftAndRightGpu"
   input_stream: "IMAGE:throttled_input_video"
-  input_stream: "LEFT_EYE_BOUNDARY_LANDMARKS:left_eye_boundary_landmarks"
-  input_stream: "RIGHT_EYE_BOUNDARY_LANDMARKS:right_eye_boundary_landmarks"
+  input_stream: "LEFT_EYE_BOUNDARY_LANDMARKS:smoothed_left_eye_boundary_landmarks"
+  input_stream: "RIGHT_EYE_BOUNDARY_LANDMARKS:smoothed_right_eye_boundary_landmarks"
   output_stream: "LEFT_EYE_CONTOUR_LANDMARKS:left_eye_contour_landmarks"
   output_stream: "LEFT_EYE_IRIS_LANDMARKS:left_iris_landmarks"
   output_stream: "LEFT_EYE_ROI:left_eye_rect_from_landmarks"
@@ -123,29 +201,114 @@ node {
   output_stream: "RIGHT_EYE_ROI:right_eye_rect_from_landmarks"

+# Applies smoothing to the single set of iris landmarks.
+node {
+  calculator: "LandmarksSmoothingCalculator"
+  input_stream: "NORM_LANDMARKS:left_eye_contour_landmarks"
+  input_stream: "IMAGE_SIZE:input_image_size"
+  output_stream: "NORM_FILTERED_LANDMARKS:smoothed_left_eye_contour_landmarks"
+  options: {
+    [mediapipe.LandmarksSmoothingCalculatorOptions.ext] {
+      one_euro_filter {
+        min_cutoff: 0.01
+        beta: 10.0
+        derivate_cutoff: 1.0
+      }
+    }
+  }
+# Applies smoothing to the single set of iris landmarks.
+node {
+  calculator: "LandmarksSmoothingCalculator"
+  input_stream: "NORM_LANDMARKS:right_eye_contour_landmarks"
+  input_stream: "IMAGE_SIZE:input_image_size"
+  output_stream: "NORM_FILTERED_LANDMARKS:smoothed_right_eye_contour_landmarks"
+  options: {
+    [mediapipe.LandmarksSmoothingCalculatorOptions.ext] {
+      one_euro_filter {
+        min_cutoff: 0.01
+        beta: 10.0
+        derivate_cutoff: 1.0
+      }
+    }
+  }
 node {
   calculator: "ConcatenateNormalizedLandmarkListCalculator"
-  input_stream: "left_eye_contour_landmarks"
-  input_stream: "right_eye_contour_landmarks"
+  input_stream: "smoothed_left_eye_contour_landmarks"
+  input_stream: "smoothed_right_eye_contour_landmarks"
   output_stream: "refined_eye_landmarks"

+# Applies smoothing to the single set of iris landmarks.
+node {
+  calculator: "LandmarksSmoothingCalculator"
+  input_stream: "NORM_LANDMARKS:left_iris_landmarks"
+  input_stream: "IMAGE_SIZE:input_image_size"
+  output_stream: "NORM_FILTERED_LANDMARKS:smoothed_left_iris_landmarks"
+  options: {
+    [mediapipe.LandmarksSmoothingCalculatorOptions.ext] {
+      one_euro_filter {
+        min_cutoff: 0.01
+        beta: 10.0
+        derivate_cutoff: 1.0
+      }
+    }
+  }
+# Applies smoothing to the single set of iris landmarks.
+node {
+  calculator: "LandmarksSmoothingCalculator"
+  input_stream: "NORM_LANDMARKS:right_iris_landmarks"
+  input_stream: "IMAGE_SIZE:input_image_size"
+  output_stream: "NORM_FILTERED_LANDMARKS:smoothed_right_iris_landmarks"
+  options: {
+    [mediapipe.LandmarksSmoothingCalculatorOptions.ext] {
+      one_euro_filter {
+        min_cutoff: 0.01
+        beta: 10.0
+        derivate_cutoff: 1.0
+      }
+    }
+  }
 node {
   calculator: "UpdateFaceLandmarksCalculator"
   input_stream: "NEW_EYE_LANDMARKS:refined_eye_landmarks"
-  input_stream: "FACE_LANDMARKS:face_landmarks"
+  input_stream: "FACE_LANDMARKS:smoothed_face_landmarks"
   output_stream: "UPDATED_FACE_LANDMARKS:updated_face_landmarks"

+# Puts the single set of smoothed landmarks back into a collection to simplify
+# passing the result into the `FaceGeometryFromLandmarks` subgraph.
+node {
+  calculator: "ConcatenateLandmarListVectorCalculator"
+  input_stream: "updated_face_landmarks"
+  output_stream: "single_smoothed_face_landmarks"
+# Computes face geometry from face landmarks for a single face.
+node {
+  calculator: "FaceGeometryFromLandmarks"
+  input_stream: "MULTI_FACE_LANDMARKS:single_smoothed_face_landmarks"
+  input_stream: "IMAGE_SIZE:input_image_size"
+  input_side_packet: "ENVIRONMENT:environment"
+  output_stream: "MULTI_FACE_GEOMETRY:single_face_geometry"
 # Renders annotations and overlays them on top of the input images.
 node {
   calculator: "IrisAndDepthRendererGpu"
   input_stream: "IMAGE:throttled_input_video"
   input_stream: "FACE_LANDMARKS:updated_face_landmarks"
-  input_stream: "EYE_LANDMARKS_LEFT:left_eye_contour_landmarks"
-  input_stream: "EYE_LANDMARKS_RIGHT:right_eye_contour_landmarks"
-  input_stream: "IRIS_LANDMARKS_LEFT:left_iris_landmarks"
-  input_stream: "IRIS_LANDMARKS_RIGHT:right_iris_landmarks"
+  input_stream: "EYE_LANDMARKS_LEFT:smoothed_left_eye_contour_landmarks"
+  input_stream: "EYE_LANDMARKS_RIGHT:smoothed_right_eye_contour_landmarks"
+  input_stream: "IRIS_LANDMARKS_LEFT:smoothed_left_iris_landmarks"
+  input_stream: "IRIS_LANDMARKS_RIGHT:smoothed_right_iris_landmarks"
   input_stream: "NORM_RECT:face_rect"
   input_stream: "LEFT_EYE_RECT:left_eye_rect_from_landmarks"
   input_stream: "RIGHT_EYE_RECT:right_eye_rect_from_landmarks"
diff --git a/mediapipe/modules/face_landmark/BUILD b/mediapipe/modules/face_landmark/BUILD
index f155e46..1c49f36 100644
--- a/mediapipe/modules/face_landmark/BUILD
+++ b/mediapipe/modules/face_landmark/BUILD
@@ -63,6 +63,16 @@ mediapipe_simple_subgraph(

+    name = "face_landmarks_smoothing",
+    graph = "face_landmarks_smoothing.pbtxt",
+    register_as = "FaceLandmarksSmoothing",
+    deps = [
+        "//mediapipe/calculators/util:landmarks_smoothing_calculator",
+    ],
     name = "face_landmark_front_cpu",
     graph = "face_landmark_front_cpu.pbtxt",
@@ -92,6 +102,7 @@ mediapipe_simple_subgraph(
+        ":face_landmarks_smoothing",
diff --git a/mediapipe/modules/face_landmark/face_landmark_gpu.pbtxt b/mediapipe/modules/face_landmark/face_landmark_gpu.pbtxt
index 49e597e..f90392c 100644
--- a/mediapipe/modules/face_landmark/face_landmark_gpu.pbtxt
+++ b/mediapipe/modules/face_landmark/face_landmark_gpu.pbtxt
@@ -181,5 +181,22 @@ node {
   calculator: "LandmarkProjectionCalculator"
   input_stream: "NORM_LANDMARKS:landmarks"
   input_stream: "NORM_RECT:roi"
-  output_stream: "NORM_LANDMARKS:face_landmarks"
+  output_stream: "NORM_LANDMARKS:projected_face_landmarks"
+# Extracts the input image frame dimensions as a separate packet.
+node {
+  calculator: "ImagePropertiesCalculator"
+  input_stream: "IMAGE_GPU:image"
+  output_stream: "SIZE:input_image_size"
+# Applies smoothing to the face landmarks previously extracted from the face
+# detection keypoints.
+node {
+  calculator: "FaceLandmarksSmoothing"
+  input_stream: "NORM_LANDMARKS:projected_face_landmarks"
+  input_stream: "IMAGE_SIZE:input_image_size"
+  output_stream: "NORM_FILTERED_LANDMARKS:face_landmarks"
diff --git a/mediapipe/modules/face_landmark/face_landmarks_smoothing.pbtxt b/mediapipe/modules/face_landmark/face_landmarks_smoothing.pbtxt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acf6eae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mediapipe/modules/face_landmark/face_landmarks_smoothing.pbtxt
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# MediaPipe subgraph that smoothes face landmarks.
+type: "FaceLandmarksSmoothing"
+input_stream: "NORM_LANDMARKS:landmarks"
+input_stream: "IMAGE_SIZE:input_image_size"
+output_stream: "NORM_FILTERED_LANDMARKS:filtered_landmarks"
+# Applies smoothing to a face landmark list.
+# TODO find good values
+node {
+  calculator: "LandmarksSmoothingCalculator"
+  input_stream: "NORM_LANDMARKS:landmarks"
+  input_stream: "IMAGE_SIZE:input_image_size"
+  output_stream: "NORM_FILTERED_LANDMARKS:filtered_landmarks"
+  node_options: {
+    [type.googleapis.com/mediapipe.LandmarksSmoothingCalculatorOptions] {
+      one_euro_filter {
+        min_cutoff: 0.01
+        beta: 0.1
+        derivate_cutoff: 0.5
+      }
+    }
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
61315 commented 2 years ago

Let me have a look. In the meanwhile, please share the revision id(a commit hash) of the mediapipe.

danhd123 commented 2 years ago

sure thing, this is a diff from 4a20e9909d55838d5630366ce719844cf06ae85c (tag v0.8.10) on google/mediapipe

danhd123 commented 2 years ago

Found part of the problem: in the iris tracking pbtxt graph, there's a typo ConcatenateLandmarListVectorCalculator instead of ConcatenateLandmarkListVectorCalculator (missing k in Landmark) which for some reason doesn't break with an error message, but rather just holds up the whole graph. Unfortunately, fixing the typo just results in an error message that this calculator doesn't exist. trying various permutations result in different error messages (-Vector: the next subgraph needs a NormalizedLandmarkList, +Normalized: a different subgraph needs a vector of NormalizedLandmarkLists, with both: calculator does not exist)

EDIT: never mind, the typo is in mediapipe, which indeed registers a ConcatenateLandmarListVectorCalculator. So that's not it.

danhd123 commented 2 years ago

Okay, I've got it displaying, by adding "//mediapipe/modules/face_geometry/data:geometry_pipeline_metadata_landmarks.binarypb", to the data section of the objc_library in the framework BUILD file, but now it's only updating the non-eye face landmarks every 5-10 seconds, or if it loses tracking and has to recalculate the non-eye face landmarks. 🤔 This happens even if I replace the face landmark smoothing one euro filter with a no_filter {}

61315 commented 2 years ago

@danhd123 You can checkout the latest commit(32b248f).

Repository now contains the following files:

+new file:   src/ios/facegeometry/BUILD
+new file:   src/ios/facegeometry/MPPBFaceGeometry.h
+new file:   src/ios/facegeometry/MPPBFaceGeometry.mm
+new file:   src/ios/facegeometry/graphs/BUILD
+new file:   src/ios/facegeometry/graphs/face_geometry_with_transform.pbtxt

You may find relevant codes that answers your question below. I just parsed the required Protocol Buffers array by hand.

Hope this helps :)
