649 / Memcrashed-DDoS-Exploit

DDoS attack tool for sending forged UDP packets to vulnerable Memcached servers obtained using Shodan API
1.33k stars 465 forks source link

Invalid API / no bots.txt #30

Open bkhor opened 6 years ago

bkhor commented 6 years ago

Hey , on the following moment for some reason I am not able to use my Shodan API key for Memcrashed. I have a bunch of questions. First of all , are you supposed to have upgraded account in order to use Memcrashed or both of them are fine. And when you are entering your API is it ok if it includes spaces ?

Also , It;s kind of strange , in my Memcrashed directory i've created a file called bots.txt , and it includes arround 17000 ip addresses, and it says that bots.txt not found.


`~/Memcrashed-DDoS-Exploit$ ls 1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png api.txt bots.txt Dockerfile Memcrashed.py README.md requirements.txt :~/Memcrashed-DDoS-Exploit$ sudo docker run -it memcrashed [sudo] password for :

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                                    Author: @037
                                    Version: 4.0

####################################### DISCLAIMER ######################################## | Memcrashed is a tool that allows you to use Shodan.io to obtain hundreds of vulnerable | | memcached servers. It then allows you to use the same servers to launch widespread | | distributed denial of service attacks by forging UDP packets sourced to your victim. | | Default payload includes the memcached "stats" command, 10 bytes to send, but the reply | | is between 1,500 bytes up to hundreds of kilobytes. Please use this tool responsibly. | | I am NOT responsible for any damages caused or any crimes committed by using this tool. | ###########################################################################################

[*] Please enter a valid Shodan.io API Key: [~] File written: ./api.txt

[*] Use Shodan API to search for affected Memcached servers? <Y/n>: y

[~] Checking Shodan.io API Key: [✘] Error: Please upgrade your API plan to use filters or paging. [] Would you like to change API Key? <Y/n>: y [] Please enter valid Shodan.io API Key: [~] File written: ./api.txt [~] Restarting Platform! Please wait.

[] Use Shodan API to search for affected Memcached servers? <Y/n>: n [] Would you like to use locally stored Shodan data? <Y/n>: y

[✘] Error: No bots stored locally, bots.txt file not found!
