Open PaulLawton227 opened 5 years ago
Hey! Sorry about the delay.
Can you provide a real world example of sending an image inside a JSON field? Currently we are sending a strinigify json to the server and this is not possible. But maybe we could think a way to achive this feature.
We have an instructor with basic name, handle, email and a metafield for storing all the extra data that defines an instructor.
JSON::make( __('Metafields'), [
Text::make(__('Title'), 'title'),
Text::make(__('Previous Job Title'), 'previous_job_title'),
Text::make(__('Instagram Handle'), 'instagram_handle'),
Textarea::make(__('Quote'), 'quote'),
Repeater::make(__('Key stats'), 'key_stats')
'label' => 'Stat.',
'name' => 'stat',
'type' => 'text',
], 'metafields'),
inside this json field - we would want to add a photo field e.g.
and any number of 'additional' images e.g. image_1, image_2. We'd like these images to go in the metafields - so that we don't have to keep adding extra image fields into the database migrations when the client says "can we have another image?"
hmm so im thinking on adding a new method like ->sendAsArray()
or similar that allow us to send Files in the formData. The default behavior in JSON field is flat all the fields in a JSON stringified string.
I'll think about it. PRs welcome!
Lovin' your work on this JSON field. Do you have any plans to make Image uploads inside the JSON field (ideally your NovaImageCropper)?