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Name #1

Closed raucao closed 9 years ago

raucao commented 9 years ago

As nobody proposed new names on https://wiki.67p.io/index.php/Naming#Candidates and nobody had major objections against my current proposal, let's fix this and move on.

Everybody in favor, please add your +1 to this issue or comment with objections!

5apps will front the money for the domain and expect to be remunerated later, no matter in which way. Our basic agreement about rewarding contributions should apply, so nobody ows someone else money there.

/cc @bkero @bumi @dkgrieshammer @galfert @gregkare @janlelis @silverbucket

gregkare commented 9 years ago


galfert commented 9 years ago

+1 for Kosmos

janlelis commented 9 years ago

:+1: Kosmos

silverbucket commented 9 years ago

So 5apps would purchase kosmos.org? That is a lot of money to put down for this name. I think the name Kosmos is OK, but when I think of what that money could be put to use for, I become less sure of my preference for it.

Just to be clear, is this for the company name, the app, or both?

raucao commented 9 years ago


This money is only being offered for the domain, because we think it's a great name and address. It wouldn't be put to use for something else at this point in time (or later for that matter).

raucao commented 9 years ago

@silverbucket Any other questions?

bumi commented 9 years ago

I do like the name. seems easy to remember. matches the theme. :+1: was just wondering if it is worth spending the money. also because most of the country specific TLDs are taken.

raucao commented 9 years ago

Why would we need country TLDs?

raucao commented 9 years ago

FYI: I edited @silverbucket's comment. We haven't agreed on if and how to handle financial information and such in public yet.

raucao commented 9 years ago

@bumi Could you elaborate on the country TLD point?

bumi commented 9 years ago

sorry, what I've actually meant is not those new TDLs (like .email) but the general .com domain for example or country specific domains like .de

raucao commented 9 years ago

Yes, that's what my question is about. Why would we need a .de e.g.?

raucao commented 9 years ago

The .com is available but quite expensive. Obviously any such name will be very expensive as a .com, if not being used already.

I don't think we necessarily need it as single word, though. Would only be for pro, so we could either use sth like pro.kosmos.org or something with a combined word as a .com, or something else entirely.

I believe the popularity of it as an open source project will define commercial success, so my personal first goal and proposed common goal is to focus on a great start as open source project first and think about Pro later, if the MVP actually kicks ass and people like it enough to want to pay for it for their teams.

Also, a single-word .com is certainly not a requirement for something to work, and a name without trademark issues should be more important, as we've seen with countless SaaS products and companies.

raucao commented 9 years ago

By the way, if anyone has more names to propose, please do so!!!

raucao commented 9 years ago

@silverbucket @bumi Please keep commenting, so we can make meaningful progress!

@bkero @dkgrieshammer Still waiting for you guys. ;)

dkgrieshammer commented 9 years ago

I think Kosmos is quite cool - one thing we should think about is the possibility to transform the name to an action verb if you want users to memorize your app - I'll skype you later, I'll slack you, I'm tweeting, I whats-app you (whatsapp is not really working)

raucao commented 9 years ago

I'll skype you later, I'll slack you, I'm tweeting, I whats-app you (whatsapp is not really working)

I think Slack also isn't working there.

so you would maybe 'cos somebody? Or Messages are Kosmos Beams so I beam you up? I think we can work with kosmos

Haha, cos me, bro! I'll beam you up later.

I love beaming! Cool idea. Who wouldn't want to beam messages and files around?

raucao commented 9 years ago

@bumi @silverbucket @bkero Please keep the comments coming until we have reached a conclusion!

raucao commented 9 years ago

Current status is 5 out of 8 like it enough to be +1 by my count. Would be great to either get the other 3 on board or decide against it and have new proposals to decide on asap.

bkero commented 9 years ago

+1 for Kosmos from me

raucao commented 9 years ago

@silverbucket, @bumi?

silverbucket commented 9 years ago

Sorry, been travelling.

Things that first came to mind with the word kosmos: Russian kosmonauts, Cosmo women's fashion magazine.

The extra s in the name could easily be dropped by people in which case we'd be audibly the same as the women's magazine.

I gave it some time to see if it would grow on me but it really hasn't. That said, I'm OK with using it if everyone else likes it. I still like 67p as a company name with the launch of the basic product as a subdomain, which gives us more flexibility it choosing a name. But understand we can't be held up in a name discussion forever.

I also agree about it being a verb. Slack is used like that, though not as ubiquitous as Skype or Facebook. Though this tend to find their way into the lingo once they reach a certain critical mass.

On Sun, Mar 15, 2015, 05:32 Sebastian Kippe notifications@github.com wrote:

@silverbucket https://github.com/silverbucket, @bumi https://github.com/bumi?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/67P/meta/issues/1#issuecomment-80990424.

raucao commented 9 years ago

The extra s in the name could easily be dropped by people in which case we'd be audibly the same as the women's magazine.

  1. How can you drop the S easily? You wouldn't drop it from other words ending in S like e.g. "Cileos" (one of the companies in our office).
  2. There is no such women's magazine. I think you're referring to Cosmopolitan. Good thing nobody else had that in mind so far. ;)

I gave it some time to see if it would grow on me but it really hasn't.

That's unfortunate. :( I had hoped for everybody liking it.

I also agree about it being a verb. Slack is used like that, though not as ubiquitous as Skype or Facebook. Though this tend to find their way into the lingo once they reach a certain critical mass.

I never saw or heard Slack being used (also, that's already a different word), as is the case with Facebook. Maybe it's different between native English speakers? Anyway, as I said before, I usually hate using product names as verbs and I think most of us do, but I think @dkgrieshammer's ideas were pretty awesome. I think even better than using the product name, both in concept and execution.

Anyway, too bad it's not a favorite of yours! You can still throw new names in the mix, of course!

Waiting is indeed not an option. We can't tell everybody that we want to change the world, but we're not even able to come up with a name for our software to begin with. I think that would make us appear uncertain and slightly incompetent.

bumi commented 9 years ago

The thought about the other TDLs came from the idea to own most of the domains to prevent a naming or SEO conflict with other companies. But I guess that is not really important for a product like kosmos. - but more for a "end user service" like AirBnB.

I like kosmos and the theme that can be built around the name. (also @dkgrieshammer's idea)

raucao commented 9 years ago


silverbucket commented 9 years ago

How can you drop the S easily? You wouldn't drop it from other words ending in S like e.g. "Cileos" (one of the companies in our office).

Laziness? misunderstanding? Not saying it will happen, just that it's so similar to "Cosmo" that people could slip up or mishear quite easily.

There is no such women's magazine. I think you're referring to Cosmopolitan. Good thing nobody else had that in mind so far. ;)

Everyone calls it Cosmo.

Waiting is indeed not an option. We can't tell everybody that we want to change the world, but we're not even able to come up with a name for our software to begin with. I think that would make us appear uncertain and slightly incompetent.

Well. We never needed a name to get started, the plan was to have basic functionality completed during hackerbeach, name or not. And just the same, getting a name now doesn't mean we can finally begin development, does it? Also, we're merging naming the product and the company into one thing and I think that makes it more difficult.

FYI: I'm only online occasionally this week as I'm visiting my Grandma and her internet connection is horrid.

raucao commented 9 years ago

I think you misunderstood some things. Nobody said anything about founding a company yet. And nobody said software development is held up by the naming.

Everyone calls it Cosmo.

Well, as you see, demonstrably not everyone. ;) (I know it quite well even; my mom used to buy it for years in the 90s).

raucao commented 9 years ago

By the way, I got the price for the domain down some more, but we're having issues with our PayPal account.

gregkare commented 9 years ago

I only had heard the magazine being called Cosmo in Sir Mix-A-Lot's Baby Got Back, I didn't know it was common in the US

"So Cosmo says you're fat? Well I ain't down with that"

raucao commented 9 years ago

Too bad there's no way to fav/like comments on GitHub. :)

silverbucket commented 9 years ago

On Mon, Mar 16, 2015, 17:17 Sebastian Kippe notifications@github.com wrote:

You're mixing some things up there. Nobody said anything about naming the company or even founding a company yet. And nobody said software development is held up by the naming.

Oh, I asked earlier if this was for a company name as well as app name and thought you said yes.

Everyone calls it Cosmo.

Well, as you see, demonstrably not everyone.

People in America, clearly I'm not talking about outside America. Cosmo is very well established here. I just brought up the magazine to my sister and she said she calls it cosmos for fun (haven't mentioned anything about kosmos), which I thought was funny. Just giving you an American perspective.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/67P/meta/issues/1#issuecomment-82002444.

raucao commented 9 years ago


gregkare commented 9 years ago
