Open 69giaptushka opened 10 years ago
Good Job!
Another limitation is one that we encountered in our 1916 campaign... the parser doesn't understand collisions - instead awarding credit to the last player to put a bullet into the plane(s). I'll need a new sub-routine to identify them, but haven't gotten around to writing it yet.
Similarly there should be a cutoff time for awards for delayed kills (crashes after being shot). Perhaps five minutes?
"Similarly there should be a cutoff time for awards for delayed kills (crashes after being shot). Perhaps five minutes?"
This is a tricky one I'm afraid we need a parameter here, default to 10 minutes, we can change it later.
In working with mission logs from the BoS QMB I've encountered several parser limitations that I haven't encountered in all the RoF missions we've analyzed.
The first is that airstarts confuse it. However, I think I see a way to fix this at least in BoS because BoS records the starting airfield (or perhaps runway) number in its AType:10 record. That field = 0 for an airstart. (I first thought the new INAIR entry would be useful, but it is set to 0 for both ground start and airstart.) There is other new information in the AType:10 records... I'll have to finish parsing them to see what might be most useful.
The second is that it wasn't happy at having no defined friendly or enemy areas... but I think I've fixed that now. When I improved the parser to accept more than two sides I didn't allow for none at all. :)
It also was not happy about having no location file to use... so everything happened in "the middle of nowhere". Now we at least have the Lapino locations mapped, and I've got a few airfields for the Stalingrad map.
And it also gets somewhat confused by missing objects from the objects file... but that is not unexpected either.
I'm writing this note to jog my own memory in the future. I'm not expecting anyone else to work on the parser. :)