6Ministers / taiga-io-docker-compose-for-projects

About Fast set-up Taiga Kanban for Business with Docker Compose
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502 Error #2

Open coldpitch opened 1 week ago

coldpitch commented 1 week ago

I did everything according to the instructions from A to Z, made a superuser, went to the panel, but when I try to open projects / create a project, nothing happens, there is a 502 error in the console, all containers are working properly. What could be the problem? Where to look? 502 error when trying to interact with API, back, events

coldpitch commented 1 week ago

I did everything according to the instructions from A to Z, made a superuser, went to the panel, but when I try to open projects / create a project, nothing happens, there is a 502 error in the console, all containers are working properly. What could be the problem? Where to look? 502 error when trying to interact with API, back, events

upd. Immediately after clicking "Create a project", the taiga-taiga-async-1 goes to reboot, the reboot does not save, you click again - the backup falls again/

coldpitch commented 1 week ago

I did everything according to the instructions from A to Z, made a superuser, went to the panel, but when I try to open projects / create a project, nothing happens, there is a 502 error in the console, all containers are working properly. What could be the problem? Where to look? 502 error when trying to interact with API, back, events

upd. Immediately after clicking "Create a project", the taiga-taiga-async-1 goes to reboot, the reboot does not save, you click again - the backup falls again/

upd. The logs contain an error that says that the back is accessing the wrong port and for reasons that are unclear to me, it writes that the port is not correct, while for some reason the field from .env is substituted as the port (RABBITMQ_PASS=taiga # RabbitMQ user's password), im set here "U!PX71FcF" - like hard password, and found in log this text: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/urllib/parse.py", line 182, in port raise ValueError(f"Port could not be cast to integer value as {port!r}") ValueError: Port could not be cast to integer value as 'U!PX71FcF' Give permission to taiga:taiga Starting Celery...

So. How this possible? Why port use str from password?

collex100 commented 1 week ago

I did the installation instructions for this scenario.


My only addition was a caddy server. Everything else works exactly the same as in the specified instructions.

I used the installation as it is. The only place where I added my data to .env is here

# Taiga's URLs - Variables to define where Taiga should be served
TAIGA_SCHEME=https  # serve Taiga using "http" or "https" (secured) connection
TAIGA_DOMAIN=taiga.your-domain.com  # Taiga's base URL
SUBPATH="" # it'll be appended to the TAIGA_DOMAIN (use either "" or a "/subpath")
WEBSOCKETS_SCHEME=wss  # events connection protocol (use either "ws" or "wss")

# Taiga's Secret Key - Variable to provide cryptographic signing
SECRET_KEY="g*IWakUU!PX7u#a@"  # Please, change it to an unpredictable value!!

and SMTP

# Taiga's SMTP settings - Variables to send Taiga's emails to the users
EMAIL_BACKEND=smtp  # use an SMTP server or display the emails in the console (either "smtp" or "console")
EMAIL_HOST=smtp.domain.com  # SMTP server address
EMAIL_PORT=465   # default SMTP port
EMAIL_HOST_USER=taiga@domain.com  # user to connect the SMTP server
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD=tmsa43dfgrertertS9B&63  # SMTP user's password
EMAIL_DEFAULT_FROM=taiga@domain.com.site  # default email address for the automated emails
# EMAIL_USE_TLS/EMAIL_USE_SSL are mutually exclusive (only set one of those to True)
EMAIL_USE_TLS=False  # use TLS (secure) connection with the SMTP server
EMAIL_USE_SSL=True  # use implicit TLS (secure) connection with the SMTP server

Try checking the variables in .env. Change only the variables listed above. Please write if there is any result.

coldpitch commented 1 week ago

I did the installation instructions for this scenario.


My only addition was a caddy server. Everything else works exactly the same as in the specified instructions.

I used the installation as it is. The only place where I added my data to .env is here

# Taiga's URLs - Variables to define where Taiga should be served
TAIGA_SCHEME=https  # serve Taiga using "http" or "https" (secured) connection
TAIGA_DOMAIN=taiga.your-domain.com  # Taiga's base URL
SUBPATH="" # it'll be appended to the TAIGA_DOMAIN (use either "" or a "/subpath")
WEBSOCKETS_SCHEME=wss  # events connection protocol (use either "ws" or "wss")

# Taiga's Secret Key - Variable to provide cryptographic signing
SECRET_KEY="g*IWakUU!PX7u#a@"  # Please, change it to an unpredictable value!!

and SMTP

# Taiga's SMTP settings - Variables to send Taiga's emails to the users
EMAIL_BACKEND=smtp  # use an SMTP server or display the emails in the console (either "smtp" or "console")
EMAIL_HOST=smtp.domain.com  # SMTP server address
EMAIL_PORT=465   # default SMTP port
EMAIL_HOST_USER=taiga@domain.com  # user to connect the SMTP server
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD=tmsa43dfgrertertS9B&63  # SMTP user's password
EMAIL_DEFAULT_FROM=taiga@domain.com.site  # default email address for the automated emails
# EMAIL_USE_TLS/EMAIL_USE_SSL are mutually exclusive (only set one of those to True)
EMAIL_USE_TLS=False  # use TLS (secure) connection with the SMTP server
EMAIL_USE_SSL=True  # use implicit TLS (secure) connection with the SMTP server

Try checking the variables in .env. Change only the variables listed above. Please write if there is any result.

Благодарю за ответ! Подскажите, пожалуйста, а может быть есть какая-то возможность платной конcультации или небольшой помощи по этому вопросу? Нужно поднять эту доску, чтобы все работало и подсказать по паре вопросов, из разряда: а как задеплоить новый taiga-front, чтобы, например, применить там свои стили.. По факту и так все работает, осталось только непонимание в вопросах связанными с taiga-front taiga-back, делаю все по инструкции, но чуть ли ни на каждом этапе ошибки в логах. (при попытке перезаписать свой фронт)

collex100 commented 1 week ago

Я не компетентен в области разработки приложения. Все что на ум приходит - это обратится на официальный сайт поддержки, может там кто подскажет https://community.taiga.io/

coldpitch commented 1 week ago

Я не компетентен в области разработки приложения. Все что на ум приходит - это обратится на официальный сайт поддержки, может там кто подскажет https://community.taiga.io/

Это не про разработку, наверное. Докер поднимает контейнеры, в том числе taiga-front. Вот я хочу изменить некоторые файлы в taiga-front и перезаписать эти значения. Но папки taiga-front на сервере не существует. Она как бы зашита в докер, я не эксперт в этом, но по сути мой вопрос звучит так "Как перезаписать файл внутри taiga-front?" (это один из контейнеров)