705062791 / PGBIG

CVPR 2022
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The issue on Performance Comparision #3

Open Dean-UQ opened 2 years ago

Dean-UQ commented 2 years ago

Hi I notice that you claimed in your abstract that this method outperforms previous approaches by large margins. Although Table.1 has shown this superiority, one of the important issues I have to point out is that the real SOTA is Motion Prediction using Trajectory Cues. However, compared with this paper, your method has a noticeable performance drop on both Human3.6M and CMU-MoCap datasets. In this case, it is hard to make readers agree with the performance superiority of your method claimed in the paper.

emedinac commented 1 year ago

Hi Dean-Qu, I was thinking the same, however, could you please check the already open code for MPT? They mentioned that the model was trained and tested on specific classes, while other papers train models using all classes together.

  1. We train on action class X and test on class X.
  2. Following existing works ( Learning dynamic relationships for 3d human motion prediction et al.), we use 17 joints to represent a skeleton.

I am not sure but in my opinion, direct comparison is not possible. I would like to know your opinion too, please.