70CentsApple / ChatTools

Chat Tools 一个 Minecraft Fabric 辅助模组 | A Fabric client-side Minecraft Mod
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Small little things #35

Open AlphaLeoli opened 2 months ago

AlphaLeoli commented 2 months ago


I think these features would be nice. The last suggestion would improve functionality of the bubbles by a lot. And just the functionality of everything actually


  1. Chat heads
  2. remove duplicate messages

i know i can easily get these with other mods, but there are also features for these that would be great but other mods don't usually have with them:

  1. Custom regex for chat heads (maybe allow filtering the object data too, just in case the ign is hidden in there. also make it per server). Also just different modes for detecting the player in general
  2. remove duplicate messages even if they are a few messages apart (like if someone talked in the middle of them spamming. just customizable is all im sayin)

There is another thing that bothers me a bit, which is how bubble works. You can put in custom regex which is amazing but it only does the actual chat message. In a lot of servers, people have nicknames or something which makes their chat bubble never appear. There should be an option to search through the object data for the chat message instead of just the chat message. In fact, that would be a cool option to put in everything, including the responder and the chat filter. Of course, if that's even possible. i have no clue.

This is an example of someone who's name is hidden in the object data for the chat message

This is what i get to see in chat: image

And this is the object data! empty[siblings=[literal{*** }[style={color=gold}], literal{§x§7§6§4§f§5§7§lWA§7§lSHU}[style={color=gray,hoverEvent=class_8826[action=<action show_text>, value=literal{§f §4}[siblings=[literal{_Washu_}[style={color=dark_red}]]]]}], literal{ §c[§4Grade-12§c]§f }, literal{Kira Y. Andreev}[style={color=white,hoverEvent=class_8826[action=<action show_text>, value=literal{_Washu_'s Character}[style={color=gray}]],insertion=<papi:sender:srp_name>}], literal{ }, literal{SIGHS}[style={color=#764F57}]]]

That means, I can use this regex here to find their ign literal\{(§.{1,6})\}.{18}\{([a-zA-Z0-9_]{3,16})\}.{14}(.*)}]]]]}] and then display a bubble above their head!

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