71 / stadiacontroller

Command line application that emulates an Xbox 360 controller from a wired Stadia controller on Windows.
ISC License
171 stars 22 forks source link

Could you clarify how to use the assistant and capture buttons? #6

Closed omair94 closed 3 years ago

omair94 commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I'm not very familiar with using command line flags. Could you explain how to, say, bind capture to a keypress like F13? Or link to a tutorial? Thanks in advance.

71 commented 3 years ago

Hey there,

Unfortunately the only way to attach actions to these keys is to add command-line flags. If you, for instance, want to simulate an F13 keypress, your best shot is to use a software like AutoHotkey and to make a script that just presses a key.

For instance, let's say you create a script named PrintScreen.ahk with content:

Send {PrintScreen}

Then you can start stadiacontroller.exe -capture-pressed A:\Path\To\PrintScreen.ahk (or add -capture-pressed A:\Path\To\PrintScreen.ahk to the command line arguments to a shortcut you created) and pressing the capture button will run PrintScreen.ahk, which will in turn simulate a PrintScreen button click and capture a screenshot.