720kb / angular-tooltips

Angularjs tooltips module, add tooltips to your elements - https://720kb.github.io/angular-tooltips
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Tooltip not showing in Angular Modal #214

Closed dilumn closed 7 years ago

dilumn commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to add this tooltip directive inside an Angular Modal but it's not showing inside the modal. In a normal page it shows correctly but not in a modal.

45kb commented 7 years ago

@dilumn hi, have you debugged a little? We can't fix angular modal if that's the problem...

Please be more specific, thanks 👍

dilumn commented 7 years ago

Here is the code I'm using inside my modal,

<div class="col-sm-2 col-md-2 col-lg-2 invoice-index-product-name">
  <a class="control-label overflow-text" tooltips tooltip-side="top" title="{{currentProduct.product_name}}">{{currentProduct.product_name}}</a>

This exact code is working in a normal html with tooltips directive. But not inside a modal

45kb commented 7 years ago

@dilumn still not have sufficient informations, can you please create a live jsfiddle or plnkr with your code inside? I may try look what's happening :)

dilumn commented 7 years ago

The issue was with ._720kb-tooltip style z-index & override that z-index with a higher value. So it's working fine. Thank you for your help.

45kb commented 7 years ago

@dilumn glad that you solved, indeed, at the end the tooltip is made on top of css actually ;)