(venv) D:\MajsoulAI-master>python main.py
waiting to calibrate the browser location
Number of good matches: 642
Homography Matrix: [[ 6.48872443e-01 -1.81677678e-04 6.75356641e+02]
[ 5.29145342e-04 6.48279953e-01 2.50010905e+02]
[ 5.38194002e-07 -1.41332255e-07 1.00000000e+00]]
Similarity: 0.9973840146991272
create AI subprocess locally
starting up on port 7479
waiting for the AI
AI connection: <class 'socket.socket'> <socket.socket fd=1628, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 7479), raddr=('', 60383)> ('', 60383)
waiting for the game to start
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "main.py", line 744, in <module>
File "main.py", line 705, in MainLoop
while not aiWrapper.isPlaying():
File "main.py", line 107, in isPlaying
result = liqiProto.parse(flow_msg)
File "D:\MajsoulAI-master\majsoul_wrapper\liqi.py", line 84, in parse
proto_domain = self.jsonProto['nested'][lq]['nested'][service]['methods'][rpc]
KeyError: 'fetchLastPrivacy'
用 https://github.com/747929791/MajsoulAI 的AI运行majsoul_wrapper的时候会报KeyError: 'fetchLastPrivacy'