75lb / command-line-args

A mature, feature-complete library to parse command-line options.
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Consider reinstating support for numeric aliases #84

Closed rgov closed 5 years ago

rgov commented 6 years ago

Even ls takes -1 as an argument. This shouldn't be prohibited.

75lb commented 6 years ago

Numeric aliases were removed for ambiguity reasons. Users passing negative numbers (e.g. -1) were having issues as the lib interpreted them as a short option.

Yes, users could write --number=-1 to avoid the ambiguity but the general preference was make short options alpha-chars only.

rgov commented 6 years ago

I see the conflict but --number -1 is only ambiguous if --number accepts zero arguments, and also there is a short option called -1.

This ambiguity exists for non-numeric values, also. For instance is --suffix -s the same as --suffix=-s or not?

75lb commented 6 years ago

I see the conflict but --number -1 is only ambiguous if --number accepts zero arguments, and also there is a short option called -1.

I see your use case, but this lib provides a means of passing no value (null) to options. All options are nullable. If --number accepts a string value, with this lib it's possible to set null and an empty or populated string.

So passing --plugin (where plugin takes a string) without a value is how a user would say "i don't want a plugin". This behaviour would be broken if we always assumed the next arg (even an option-looking arg like -s or -1) was the option value.

rgov commented 6 years ago

Is this behavior of the library based on any other command line parser? It seems unusual, and leads to more complexity and unexpected conditions. Why wouldn't you just not pass --plugin, or pass some option like --no-plugin, rather than passing --plugin with no value?

Again, I think the library should defer to widely accepted conventions here. If the user wants to add a --plugin option that takes 0 or more options, ok, that could be done like argparse's nargs='*'. But it's an irregular way of doing this, and a more sensible way to do it is to set the default value of the plugin option to null or false or whatever.

75lb commented 6 years ago

I will change the behaviour if it is beneficial to do so. So are numeric short options an important requirement for you?

--number -1 is only ambiguous if --number accepts zero arguments and also there is a short option called -1.

I agree there is an opportunity to improve the current behaviour here, by making the checks you describe above to help decide whether the user meant to supply -1 as a numeric value or short option..

rgov commented 6 years ago

It's not a requirement for anything I am developing currently, but it would be good for Node to have argument parser that can be relied on to be correct and consistent with conventions.

I cannot think of a time I have passed a negative value on the command line, but I have used ls -1; git-diff supports -1, -2, and -3, and ssh supports -4 and -6 (as do some other networking tools, like nc).