75lb / command-line-args

A mature, feature-complete library to parse command-line options.
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Reconsider handling of empty string values #85

Closed rgov closed 6 years ago

rgov commented 6 years ago

bad-input: empty string added to unknown values

I'm not sure this is a valuable test. It's not clear to me that this is checking for desirable behavior. However, it is expected that you should be able to pass a blank value, such as sed -i ''.

In this specific case, where we have a option=value argument that accepts multiple values and one of the values is blank, it seems fine to me to have this be undefined behavior (i.e., no test) or define it to work the way that other blank values should work.

(Note I think this handling of --foo=bar baz is probably non-standard and if so it should be removed. Are there any examples of projects that use this?)

runner.test('bad-input: empty string added to unknown values', function () {
  const optionDefinitions = [
    { name: 'one', type: String },
    { name: 'two', type: Number },
    { name: 'three', type: Number, multiple: true },
    { name: 'four', type: String },
    { name: 'five', type: Boolean }
  const argv = [ '--one', '', '', '--two', '0', '--three=', '', '--four=', '--five=' ]
  a.throws(() => {
    commandLineArgs(optionDefinitions, { argv })
  a.deepStrictEqual(commandLineArgs(optionDefinitions, { argv, partial: true }), {
    one: '',
    two: 0,
    three: [ 0, 0 ],
    four: '',
    five: true,
    _unknown: [ '', '--five=' ]
75lb commented 6 years ago

Yes, it's not the most realistic test. It exists to make a record of what happens when users try to pass an empty string via --option= or --option '' alongside other option definitions such as a multiple.

Even if we break this test we'd need a new major version.

rgov commented 6 years ago
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('values', nargs='*')
args = parser.parse_args(['a', '', 'b'])

Returns Namespace(values=['a', '', 'b']) which seems to suggest that argparse doesn't consider blank values separately. I would follow its lead. Whitespace is handled by the lexer; if something blank reaches the parser, then it's probably intended to be there.

75lb commented 6 years ago

Sometimes process.argv contains empty strings, whether the user intended to pass them in or not. We just need to ensure empty strings are considered valid option values and that it's possible to set them in the usual ways.

rgov commented 6 years ago

Agreeed. Is this testing properly?

75lb commented 6 years ago

Is this testing properly?

Partially. I think the tests regarding empty-string option values should be improved and make it more clear what the defined behaviour is. I'll look into this when I get time.

I think this handling of --foo=bar baz is probably non-standard

I don't understand what you are highlighting, here. I think this is an acceptable pattern:

$ something --view=detail file.js
rgov commented 6 years ago

Does that set view=['detail', 'file.js']? If so, I would like to know if there are existing command line tools that support this syntax. I cannot think of an example.

75lb commented 6 years ago

No, it would return options looking something like this: (assuming files is a multiple defaultOption)

  view: 'detail',
  files: [ 'files.js' ]
75lb commented 6 years ago

I think this handling of --foo=bar baz is probably non-standard and if so it should be removed

Maybe you misunderstood something because we don't try to handle a syntax case where --foo=bar baz sets two values (bar and baz) on one option (--foo).

rgov commented 6 years ago

Isn't that what this test is doing? It takes the argv values [ '--three=', '' ] and sets three: [ 0, 0 ].

75lb commented 6 years ago

both args in this array [ '--three=', '' ] set empty strings.. Number('') evaluates to 0, so the end result is three: [ 0, 0 ].

rgov commented 6 years ago

we don't try to handle a syntax case where --foo=bar baz sets two values (bar and baz) on one option (--foo).

both args in this array [ '--three=', '' ] set empty strings.

Which is it?

75lb commented 6 years ago

I have removed the confusing test cited in your original post and added more clear tests for handling empty strings (below). Once ready, I'll push these tests (and other changes) to your fork so we can finish off the PR.

runner.test('bad-input: empty string', function () {
  const optionDefinitions = [
    { name: 'one' }
  const argv = [ '--one', '' ]
  a.deepStrictEqual(commandLineArgs(optionDefinitions, { argv }), {
    one: ''

runner.test('bad-input: empty string, option cluster', function () {
  const optionDefinitions = [
    { name: 'one', alias: 'o', type: Boolean },
    { name: 'two', alias: 't' }
  const argv = [ '-ot', '' ]
  a.deepStrictEqual(commandLineArgs(optionDefinitions, { argv }), {
    one: true,
    two: ''

runner.test('bad-input: empty string, --option=', function () {
  const optionDefinitions = [
    { name: 'one' }
  const argv = [ '--one=' ]
  a.deepStrictEqual(commandLineArgs(optionDefinitions, { argv }), {
    one: ''

runner.test('bad-input: empty string unknown value', function () {
  const optionDefinitions = [
    { name: 'one', type: Boolean }
  const argv = [ '--one', '' ]
    () => commandLineArgs(optionDefinitions, { argv }),

runner.test('bad-input: empty string added to unknown values', function () {
  const optionDefinitions = [
    { name: 'one', type: Boolean }
  const argv = [ '--one', '' ]
  a.deepStrictEqual(commandLineArgs(optionDefinitions, { argv, partial: true }), {
    one: true,
    _unknown: [ '' ]
Lonli-Lokli commented 3 years ago

Was it merged? I am observing (on Windows) treating empty string '' as string with two quotes ''

75lb commented 3 years ago

@Lonli-Lokli Could you post what you are observing in a new issue please, preferably with a reproduction case (some code I can run to see and debug the issue).. thanks.

Lonli-Lokli commented 3 years ago

@75lb I am trying but with no luck, unfortunately - cannot make tests running on my Win10.

Do you have Win somewhere? My Assumption that this test fail test\type-string.mjs

    commandLineArgs(optionDefinitions, { argv: ['--one', ''] }),
    { one: '' }
Lonli-Lokli commented 3 years ago

@75lb Im still unable to make tests run under Windows10 (esm-runner cannot find files) , but I see in the project that empty string is treated as string with two single quotes.

Can you try to reproduce it?

75lb commented 3 years ago

Hi @Lonli-Lokli - this project is next on my list to look at, will get back to you soon..