75lb / handbrake-js

Video encoding / transcoding / converting for node.js
550 stars 69 forks source link

Electron application #47

Closed majorgeek85 closed 4 years ago

majorgeek85 commented 4 years ago


I have an electron and react application running on Windows 10. I added "handbrake-js": "4.0.1" to the package.json, run npm install, run the app and when it run hbjs.spawn it gives the error:

Error: HandbrakeCLI application not found: \bin\HandbrakeCLI.exe. Linux users must install HandbrakeCLI manually, please see https://handbrake.fr/downloads.php. at Handbrake._run (Handbrake.js:101) at index.js:54 at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:61)

Shouldn't npm install be enough? The handbrake-js is in the node_modules.


75lb commented 4 years ago

hi, could you do me a favour please and tell me what value process.platform returns in your Electron app please?

75lb commented 4 years ago

also, what does process.arch return?

majorgeek85 commented 4 years ago


process.platform returns = win32 and process.arch = x64

I'm changing your code to try to debug the situation and it seems that while my electron app is running, __dirname on config.js just resolves to \ and he tries to look for the .exe on c:\bin\HandbrakeCLI.exe instead of where it is. I can override your installation process and just put the .exe on another place and point to that, but I was trying not to if possible.

Thanks for your time.

75lb commented 4 years ago

OK, thanks.. once you have settled on a solution feel free to send a PR showing your fix. I'll take a look and see how it can be incorporated.

75lb commented 4 years ago

I will close this for now because there is nothing left for me to action. Once your electron app is stable please let me know what handbrake-js changes you needed to make, if any.