7696122 / evil-terminal-cursor-changer

:smiling_imp: Chagning cursor by mode for evil on terminal.
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Emacs starts in normal mode with thin cursor. #25

Open appomsk opened 3 years ago

appomsk commented 3 years ago


I am a vim user, now I try to use emacs with evil and I use it in a terminal with your mode. It works perfectly but emacs starts in normal mode with thin cursor. It is because in my console I've got such - I use zsh with vim-mode and have different cursor shapes for different modes too and I start emacs from insert mode.

Now I use alias e='echo "^[[2 q" && emacs' for box cursor but may be it is possible to use some configuration or hook for output terminal sequence during the start?

7696122 commented 3 years ago

Try setting evil-insert-state-cursor (evil-normal-state-cursor is a variable defined in evil-states.el.) to
(setq evil-normal-state-cursor 'box) ; █ in your .emacs. Because this mode changes cursor shape from evil's state.

;; If want change cursor shape type, add below line. This is evil's setting. ;; ;; (setq evil-motion-state-cursor 'box) ; █ ;; (setq evil-visual-state-cursor 'box) ; █ ;; (setq evil-normal-state-cursor 'box) ; █ ;; (setq evil-insert-state-cursor 'bar) ; ⎸ ;; (setq evil-emacs-state-cursor 'hbar) ; _

appomsk commented 3 years ago

It does not work. All I need is to force the cursor to be boxed at startup. And I want to start Emacs in normal mode (state). In vim I have for that:

au VimEnter * silent execute '!echo -ne "\e[2 q"' | redraw!

I need something like this for Emacs.

But this is actually a very small question. Thank you for your attention.