7800-devtools / 7800basic

a BASIC-like language for creating games that run on the Atari 7800 console.
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Index System for loaded Sprites #3

Closed ghost closed 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

Is there a way an index system be added to the next version. Like have "SpriteIndex On" at the top.

Within the program instead of

incgraphic sprite001.png plotsprite sprite001 1 16 36

it will become incgraphic ### sprite001.png plotsprite ### 1 16 36. What ### is the number image loaded and referenced. It will make programs much more dynamic.

chunkypixel commented 3 years ago

Hi Peter, Is this the type of thing you are looking for? https://atariage.com/forums/topic/308806-7800basic-tips-tricks-and-examples/?tab=comments#comment-4581175

ghost commented 3 years ago

That is similar. Is there a limit on wide the graphic can be? I was suggesting the ideal that all the loaded graphics go into an index system.

incgraphic 00 sprite000.png incgraphic 01 sprite001.png : : incgraphic 98 sprite098.png incgraphic 99 sprite099.png

ndx = 98 plotsprite ndx pal posx posy

That is similar how I have been programming games for the 8-bit in assembly code. The sprite source data that gets transferred to player/missile area is looked up in a table that looks something like this: Sprite_Addr_Lo .byte <P000, <P001, <P002,..... Sprite_Addr_Hi .byte >P000, >P001, >P002,.....

It saves a lot of CPU cycles. Not sure if this can be applied to the 7800

If sprites are variable size, may need additional tables Sprite_Size .byte sprite001-sprite000, sprite002-sprite001, sprite003-sprite002 .... sprite_last - sprite999.

chunkypixel commented 3 years ago

Not sure of the official width limits - I originally used sprite strips of 128 pixels wide in Arkanoid. Just make sure to follow the 4 pixel increments so they display correctly.

With the existing PlotSprite feature you cannot use pointers as the generated assembly configures that for you using the image reference - I guess you could take that generated code as a basis to create your own assembly calls. I've found the Animation List FrameIndex lookup pretty good as a replacement but obviously it's not as dynamic.

Mike created this for me https://atariage.com/forums/topic/307436-7800basic-under-the-hood/ which allows non-moving sprites allocated to zones (ie. tiled map) but it does show the sort of thing that can be done via assembly. In Millie and Molly I configure a pointer data list in a similar manner you have shown to update animated tiles.

data titleStarsObjectPointer <title_background1,<title_background2,<title_background3 end

ghost commented 3 years ago

I have to check this stuff out.

The ML hack goes something like this.... ` dim tableplot_sprite =$2200 dim tableplot_palette =$2210 dim tableplot_xpos =$2220 dim tableplot_ypos =$2230 dim tableplot_zone =$2240


ldy #tableplot_Max tableplot_yzone_loop
LDA tableplot_ypos,Y LSR ; 2 - Divide by 8 or 16 LSR ; 2 LSR ; 2 if WZONEHEIGHT = 16 LSR ; 2 endif
STA tableplot_zone,Y DEY BPL tableplot_yzone_loop

LDY #tableplot_Max    

LDX tableplot_sprite,Y BEQ no_sprite LDX tableplot_zone,Y
STX temp5
SEC LDA dlend+0,X ADC dlend+1,X ADC dlend+2,X CMP #108 BCS no_sprite LDX tableplot_sprite,Y BEQ no_sprite

LDA Sprite_Addr_Low,X
STA temp1
LDA Sprite_Addr_High,X
BEQ no_sprite
STA temp2

LDA tableplot_palette,Y
ORA Sprite_Width_TwosCompliment,X
STA temp3    

LDA tableplot_ypos,Y                       
STA temp5

LDA tableplot_xpos,Y 
STA temp4
lda #(sprite001_mode|%01000000)
sta temp6    
JSR plotsprite

LDY tableplot_Index
LDX tableplot_sprite,Y
LDA temp1
ADC Sprite_Width,X
STA temp1
BCC No_tableplot_sprite_inc_1
INC temp2

No_tableplot_sprite_inc_1 LDA temp5 CLC ADC #WZONEHEIGHT
STA temp5 JSR plotsprite

 LDY tableplot_Index
 LDX tableplot_sprite,Y
 CPX #38
 BNE no_sprite

 LDA temp1
 ADC Sprite_Width,X
 STA temp1
 BCC No_tableplot_sprite_inc_2
 INC temp2


 LDA temp5
 ADC #WZONEHEIGHT                
 STA temp5
 JSR plotsprite

no_sprite LDY tableplot_Index DEY BMI tableplot_done JMP tableplot_Sprite_Loop
tableplot_done ` You need to make tables for all the sprite low and high addresses, sizes, #of zones they need, etc. But I think it saves memory compared to using

` for tableplot_index 0 to 9

  if tableplot_sprite[tableplot_index] =1 then plotsprite sprite001 p x  y

  if tableplot_sprite[tableplot_index] =2 then plotsprite sprite002 p x  y

  if tableplot_sprite[tableplot_index] =3 then plotsprite sprite003 p x  y

  if tableplot_sprite[tableplot_index] =4 then plotsprite sprite004 p x  y

  if tableplot_sprite[tableplot_index] =5 then plotsprite sprite005 p x  y

  if tableplot_sprite[tableplot_index] =6 then plotsprite sprite006 p x  y

  if tableplot_sprite[tableplot_index] =7 then plotsprite sprite007 p x  y

  if tableplot_sprite[tableplot_index] =8 then plotsprite sprite008 p x  y

  if tableplot_sprite[tableplot_index] =9 then plotsprite sprite009 p x  y

        :                        :                  :

  if tableplot_sprite[tableplot_index] =99 then plotsprite sprite099 p x  y

  next tableplot_index
