781flyingdutchman / background_downloader

Flutter plugin for file downloads and uploads
123 stars 55 forks source link

Monthly issue metrics report for closed issues and prs #282

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 2 months ago

github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

Issue Metrics

Metric Average Median 90th percentile
Time to first response 12:53:03 3:23:14 10:02:46
Time to close 5 days, 18:12:30 1 day, 22:49:21 19 days, 1:31:48
Time to answer None None None
Metric Count
Number of items that remain open 0
Number of items closed 20
Total number of items created 20
Title URL Author Time to first response Time to close Time to answer
Gradle build errors with 8.3 and 8.4 https://github.com/781flyingdutchman/background_downloader/issues/280 Chaphasilor 2:24:46 2:33:02 None
How can I save a video file to photo on iOS? https://github.com/781flyingdutchman/background_downloader/issues/274 bryan3156 1:55:08 1:55:08 None
multiple file not download at time getting override issue https://github.com/781flyingdutchman/background_downloader/issues/272 tulsi-virani 0:40:31 2 days, 17:08:37 None
main.dart https://github.com/781flyingdutchman/background_downloader/issues/271 tulsi-virani None 0:04:54 None
download history https://github.com/781flyingdutchman/background_downloader/issues/270 pigivc 7:31:32 7:31:32 None
Canot move shared storage path https://github.com/781flyingdutchman/background_downloader/issues/269 this-sunil 12:09:37 1 day, 21:58:11 None
Android App Crashes after some time https://github.com/781flyingdutchman/background_downloader/issues/268 drexhacker 8:20:40 1 day, 21:59:00 None
unique parameter ignored in a certain case in the default implementation of the taskWithFilenameBuilder https://github.com/781flyingdutchman/background_downloader/issues/267 SzecsenyiPeter 6:21:50 3 days, 12:53:38 None
Failed to build on Android,look for AndroidManifest.xml https://github.com/781flyingdutchman/background_downloader/issues/266 chenxiangjun2010 0:09:13 1 day, 6:30:58 None
Fail to install background downloader on ios 15 v17 https://github.com/781flyingdutchman/background_downloader/issues/265 Pranavmaid 0:59:35 10:53:32 None
Cleaner File Upload API https://github.com/781flyingdutchman/background_downloader/issues/264 scottynoshotty 0:44:23 0:44:23 None
Content-length issue https://github.com/781flyingdutchman/background_downloader/issues/263 horlann 6:54:36 3 days, 17:21:23 None
TaskException: Could not enqueue task ParallelDownloadTask https://github.com/781flyingdutchman/background_downloader/issues/262 horlann 3:23:14 18 days, 23:47:52 None
Async getNextTask in MemoryTaskQueue https://github.com/781flyingdutchman/background_downloader/issues/261 eivihnd 8:47:41 5 days, 1:09:04 None
I need a callback for tasks following the download https://github.com/781flyingdutchman/background_downloader/issues/260 Yeseung0610 9:31:03 1 day, 5:21:09 None
Could not find com.android.tools.build:gradle:8.2.1 https://github.com/781flyingdutchman/background_downloader/issues/257 taheri79 2:34:07 1 day, 23:39:42 None
Get the statusCode from an UploadTask response https://github.com/781flyingdutchman/background_downloader/issues/255 martyfuhry 6 days, 22:26:58 11 days, 18:32:00 None
Failed to build on Android, looking for kotlin-serialization-compiler-plugin-embeddable https://github.com/781flyingdutchman/background_downloader/issues/253 flushr 0:55:18 19 days, 17:07:11 None
Blob Download Support? https://github.com/781flyingdutchman/background_downloader/issues/250 Dracrius 4:39:37 23 days, 17:44:27 None
Forgroud Service crashing on android 14 ( API 34 ) https://github.com/781flyingdutchman/background_downloader/issues/249 Rohan487 0:18:10 16 days, 15:14:15 None

This report was generated with the Issue Metrics Action Search query used to find these items: repo:781flyingdutchman/background_downloader closed:2024-03-01..2024-03-31 -reason:"not planned"