7BIndustries / Semblage

Semblage is an open source CAD GUI backed by a programmatic CAD API named CadQuery.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Integrate Selector Synthesis #54

Closed jmwright closed 1 year ago

jmwright commented 3 years ago

Once the selector research from #53 has been reviewed and vertices, edges and faces can be selected, it will be time to integrate selector synthesis logic. The intent is for this logic to take what the user has clicked on to select in the 3D view, and turn it into a CadQuery selector that captures the user's intent. This feature will be highly experimental, but is an important first step for Semblage in bridging the CodCAD and GUI CAD worlds.

jmwright commented 1 year ago

This has been done for faces and (partially for) edges. There is more work to be done though.